Konferenzband (10)

Lengauer, T.; Lenhof, H.-P. (Hg.): Proceedings of the European Conference on Computational Biology (ECCB 2002). Untitled Event, Saarbrücken, Germany, 06. Oktober 2002. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK (2002), 260 S.
Towards Robust Perception and Model Integration. 4th Dagstuhl Workshop Modelling of Sensor-Based Intelligent Robot Systems, Wadern, Germany, 15. Oktober 2000 - 20. Oktober 2000. (2002)
Scopigno, R.; Andujar, C.; Goesele, M.; Lensch, H. P. A. (Hg.): 3D Data Acquisition - Eurographics 2002 Tutorial Notes. Untitled Event, Saarbrücken, Germany, 02. September 2002. The Eurographics Association, Aire-la-Ville, Switzerland (2002), 71 S.
Pin&Play: Networking Objects through Pins. 4th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing, Göteborg, Sweden, 29. September 2002 - 01. Oktober 2002. Springer (2002), 219-228 S.

Konferenzbeitrag (147)

Abadi, M.; Blanchet, B.: Analyzing Security Protocols with Secrecy Types and Logic Programs. In: Conference Record of POPL 2002: The 29th ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, S. 33 - 44. POPL 2002, Portland, Oregon, USA, 16. Januar 2002 - 18. Januar 2002. ACM, New York, USA (2002)
Adler, M.; Räcke, H.; Sivadasan, N.; Sohler, C.; Vöcking, B.: Randomized Pursuit-Evasion in Graphs. In: Automata, Languages and Programming: 29th International Colloquium, ICALP 2002, S. 901 - 912. ICALP 2002, Málaga, Spain, 08. Juli 2002 - 13. Juli 2002. Springer, Berlin, Germany (2002)
Agarwal, P.; Hagerup, T.; Ray, R.; Sharir, M.; Smid, M.; Welzl, E.: Translating a Planar Object to Maximize Point Containment. In: Algorithms - ESA 2002: 10th Annual European Symposium, S. 42 - 53. ESA 2002, Rome, Italy, 17. September 2002 - 21. September 2002. Springer, Berlin, Germany (2002)
Albrecht, I.; Haber, J.; Kähler, K.; Schröder, M.; Seidel, H.-P.: May I talk to you?: -) - Facial Animation from Text. In: Proceedings of the 10th Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications, S. 77 - 86 (Hg. Coquillart, S.; Shum, H.-Y.; Hu, S.-M.). 10th Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications, Beijing, China, 09. Oktober 2002 - 11. Oktober 2002. IEEE explore, Piscataway, NJ (2002)
Albrecht, I.; Haber, J.; Seidel, H.-P.: Automatic Generation of Non-Verbal Facial Expressions from Speech. In: Advances in Modelling, Animation and Rendering (Proceedings Computer Graphics International 2002), S. 283 - 293. CGI 2002, Bradford, UK, 01. Juli 2002 - 05. Juli 2002. Springer, London, UK (2002)
Albrecht, I.; Haber, J.; Seidel, H.-P.: Speech Synchronization for Physics-based Facial Animation. In: Proceedings of the 10th International Conferences in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision, S. 9 - 16 (Hg. Skala, V.). 10th International Conferences in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision, Plzen, Czech Republic, 04. Februar 2002 - 08. Februar 2002. UNION Agency, Plzen, CZ (2002)
Althaus, E.; Bockmayr, A.; Elf, M.; Kasper, T.; Jünger, M.; Mehlhorn, K.: SCIL - Symbolic Constraints in Integer Linear Programming. In: Algorithms - ESA 2002: 10th Annual European Symposium, S. 75 - 87. ESA 2002, Rom, Italy, 17. September 2002 - 21. September 2002. Springer, Berlin, Germany (2002)
Althaus, E.; Caprara, A.; Lenhof, H.-P.; Reinert, K.: Multiple sequence alignment with arbitrary gap costs: Computing an optimal solution using polyhedral combinatorics. In: Proceedings of the European Conference on Computational Biology (ECCB 2002), S. S4 - S16. ECCB 2002, Saarbrücken, 06. Oktober 2002 - 09. Oktober 2002. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK (2002)
Althaus, E.; Fink, C.: A Polyhedral Approach to Surface Reconstruction from Planar Contours. In: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization, S. 258 - 272. IPCO 2002, Cambridge, USA, 27. Mai 2002 - 29. Mai 2002. Springer, Berlin, Germany (2002)
Andreou, M.; Fotakis, D.; Nikoletseas, S.; Papadopoulou, V.; Spirakis, P. G.: On Radiocoloring Hierarchically Specified Planar Graphs: PSPACE-Completeness and Approximations. In: Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 2002: 27th International Symposium, MFCS 2002, S. 81 - 92. Untitled Event, Warsaw, Poland, 26. August 2002. Springer, Berlin, Germany (2002)
Anoshkina, E.; Belyaev, A.; Seidel, H.-P.: Asymptotic Analysis of Three-Point Approximations of Vertex Normals and Curvatures. In: Proceedings of Vision, Modeling, and Visualization 2002, S. 211 - 216. 7th International Fall Workshop on Vision, Modeling, and Visualization, Erlangen, Germany, 20. November 2002 - 22. November 2002. Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft Aka GmbH, Berlin, Germany (2002)
Antifakos, S.; Michahelles, F.; Schiele, B.: Proactive Instructions for Furniture Assembly. In: UbiComp 2002: Ubiquitous Computing, S. 351 - 360 (Hg. Borriello, G.; Holmquist, L. E.). 4th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing, Göteborg, Sweden, 29. September 2002 - 01. Oktober 2002. Springer, Berlin (2002)
Antifakos, S.; Schiele, B.: Bridging the Gap between Virtual and Physical Games Using Wearable Sensors. In: IEEE International Symposium on Wearable Computers, S. 139 - 140. Sixth International Symposium on Wearable Computers, Seattle, WA, USA, 10. Oktober 2002. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ (2002)
Barga, R.; Lomet, D.; Weikum, G.: Recovery Guarantees for General Multi-Tier Applications. In: Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Data Engineering, S. 543 - 554. Untitled Event, San Jose, CA, 26. Februar 2002 - 01. März 2002. IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, USA (2002)
Bast, H.: Scheduling at Twilight the Easy Way. In: STACS 2002: 19th Annual Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science, S. 166 - 178. STACS 2002, Antibes, Juan-Les-Pins, France, 14. März 2002 - 16. März 2002. Springer, Berlin, Germany (2002)
Beerenwinkel, N.; Lengauer, T.; Däumer, M.; Sierra, S.; Schmidt, B.; Walter, H.; Korn, K.; Oette, M.; Fätkenheuer, G.; Rockstroh, J. et al.; Hoffmann, D.; Kaiser, R.; Selbig, J.: Geno2pheno is predictive of short-term virological response. In: Proceedings from the 5th International Workshop on HIV Drug Resistance & Treatment Strategies, S. 74 - 74. 5th International Workshop on HIV Drug Resistance & Treatment Strategies, Scottsdale, Arizona, 04. Juni 2001 - 08. Juni 2001. International Medical Press, London, UK (2002)
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