Konferenzbeitrag (112)

Choi, S. W.; Seidel, H.-P.: One-sided Stability of Medial Axis Transform. In: Pattern Recognition, S. 132 - 139 (Hg. Radig, B.; Florczyk, S.). 23rd DAGM Symposium on Pattern Recognition, Munich, Germany, 12. September 2001 - 14. September 2001. Springer, Vienna, Austria (2001)
Choi, S. W.; Seidel, H.-P.: One-sided Stability of MAT and its Applications. In: Vision, Modeling and Visualization 2001, S. 291 - 298 (Hg. Ertl, T.; Girod, B.; Greiner, G.; Niemann, H.; Seidel, H.-P.). 6th International Fall Workshop on Vision, Modeling, and Visualization, Stuttgart, Germany, 21. November 2001 - 23. November 2001. Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft Aka, Berlin, Germany (2001)
Christensen, D.; Kraiss, A.; Syri, A.; Weikum, G.: Automatische \"Ubersetzung von Gesch\"aftsprozessmodellen in ausf\"uhrbare Workflows. In: Proceedings der 9. GI-Fachtagung Datenbanksysteme in B{\"u}ro, Technik und Wissenschaft (BTW), S. 505 - 513 (Hg. Heuer, A.; Leymann, F.; Priebe, D.). Untitled Event, Oldenburg, Germany, 07. März 2001 - 09. März 2001. Springer, Berlin, Germany (2001)
Daubert, K.; Lensch, H. P. A.; Heidrich, W.; Seidel, H.-P.: Efficient Cloth Modeling and Rendering. In: Rendering Techniques 2001, S. 63 - 70 (Hg. Myszkowski, K.). 12th Eurographics Workshop on Rendering Techniques , London, UK, 25. Juni 2001 - 27. Juni 2001. Springer, Vienna, Austria (2001)
de Nivelle, H.: Splitting through New Proposition Symbols. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Reasoning (LPAR-2001), S. 172 - 185 (Hg. Nieuwenhuis, R.; Voronkov, A.). Untitled Event, Havana, Cuba, 2001. Springer, Berlin, Germany (2001)
de Nivelle, H.; Pratt-Hartmann, I.: A Resolution-Based Decision Procedure for the Two-Variable Fragment with Equality. In: Automated reasoning: First International Joint Conference, IJCAR 2001, S. 211 - 225 (Hg. Goré, R.; Leitsch, A.; Nipkow, T.). Untitled Event, Siena, Italy, 14. Mai 2003 - 18. Mai 2003. Springer, Berlin, Germany (2001)
Dey, T. K.; Funke, S.; Ramos, E. A.: Surface Reconstruction in almost Linear Time under Locally Uniform Sampling. In: Proceedings of the 17th European Workshop on Computational Geometry (EWCG-01), S. 129 - 132. Untitled Event, Berlin, Germany, 26. März 2001 - 28. März 2001. Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany (2001)
Edelkamp, S.; Meyer, U.: Theory and Practice of Time-space Trade-offs in Memory Limited Search. In: KI 2001: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, S. 169 - 184 (Hg. Baader, F.; Brewka, G.; Eiter, T.). KI 2001, Wien, Österreich. Springer, Berlin (2001)
Eisenbrand, F.; Rote, G.: Fast 2-variable Integer Programming. In: Proceedings of the 8th Conference on Integer and Combinatorial Optimization (IPCO-01), S. 78 - 89 (Hg. Gerards, B.; Aardal, K.). 8th Conference on Integer and Combinatorial Optimization, Utrecht, Netherlands, 11. Juni 2001 - 12. Juni 2001. Springer, Berlin (2001)
Eisenbrand, F.; Rote, G.: Fast Reduction of Ternary Quadratic Forms. In: Proceedings of the 1st Conference on Lattices and Cryptography (CaLC-01), S. 99 - 111 (Hg. Silverman, J.). 1st Conference on Lattices and Cryptography, Brown University, Providence, USA, 29. März 2001 - 30. März 2001. Springer, Berlin (2001)
Ershov, S.; Kolchin, K.; Myszkowski, K.: Rendering Pearlescent Appearance Based on Paint-Composition Modeling. In: The European Association for Computer Graphics 22th Annual Conference: EUROGRAPHICS 2001, S. 227 - 238 (Hg. Chalmers, A.; Rhyne, T.-M.). Untitled Event, Manchester, UK, 01. Januar 2003. Blackwell, Oxford, UK (2001)
Fuhrmann, A.; Schömer, E.: A General Method for Computing the Reachable Space of Mechanisms. In: Proceedings of the 2001 ASME Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. - Vol. 2, 27th Design Automation Conference (DETC'01), S. DAC - 21057. Untitled Event, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 09. September 2001 - 12. September 2001. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York, USA (2001)
Funke, S.; Ramos, E. A.: Reconstructing a Collection of Curves with Corners and Endpoints. In: Proceedings of the 12th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA-01), S. 344 - 353. Untitled Event, Washington DC, USA, 2001. ACM, New York, USA (2001)
Ganzinger, H.: Bottom-Up Deduction with Deletion and Priorities. In: Programs as Data Objects (PADO-01): Second Symposium PADO 2001, S. 276 - 277 (Hg. Danvy, O.; Filinski, A.). Untitled Event, Aarhus, Denmark, 14. Mai 2003 - 18. Mai 2003. Springer, Berlin, Germany (2001)
Ganzinger, H.: Relating Semantic and Proof-Theoretic Concepts for Polynomial Time Decidability of Uniform Word Problems. In: Proceedings of the 16th IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science (LICS-01), S. 81 - 90 (Hg. Williams, D. A.). LICS 2001, Boston, USA, 16. Juni 2001 - 19. Juni 2001. IEEE, Los Alamitos, USA (2001)
Ganzinger, H.; McAllester, D.: A new meta-complexity theorem for bottom-up logic programs. In: Automated reasoning: First International Joint Conference, IJCAR 2001, S. 514 - 528 (Hg. Goré, R.; Leitsch, A.; Nipkow, T.). IJCAR 2001, Siena, Italy, 18. Juni 2001 - 22. Juni 2001. Springer, Berlin, Germany (2001)
Ganzinger, H.; Nieuwenhuis, R.: Constraints and Theorem Proving. In: Contraints in Computational Logics, International Summer School (CCL-99), S. 159 - 201 (Hg. Comon, H.; Marché, C.; Treinen, R.). CCL 1999, Gif-sur-Yvette, France, 05. August 1999 - 08. August 1999. Springer, Berlin, Germany (2001)
Ganzinger, H.; Nieuwenhuis, R.; Nivela, P.: Context trees. In: Automated reasoning: First International Joint Conference, IJCAR 2001, S. 242 - 256 (Hg. Goré, R.; Leitsch, A.; Nipkow, T.). IJCAR 2001, Siena, Italy, 18. Juni 2001 - 22. Juni 2001. Springer, Berlin, Germany (2001)
Geismann, N.; Hemmer, M.; Schömer, E.: Computing a 3-dimensional Cell in an Arrangement of Quadrics: Exactly and Actually! In: Proceedings of the 17th Annual Symposium on Computational Geometry (SCG-01), S. 264 - 273. Untitled Event, Boston, Massachusetts, 2001. ACM, New York (2001)
Geismann, N.; Hemmer, M.; Schömer, E.: The Convex Hull of Ellipsoids (Video). In: Proceedings of the 17th Annual Symposium on Computational Geometry (SCG-01), S. 321 - 322. Untitled Event, Bosten, Massachusetts, 2001. ACM, New York (2001)
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