Meeting Abstract (52)

Meeting Abstract
Hincha, D. K.; Hundertmark, M.; Thalhammer, A.; Popova, A. V.: Modulation of Membrane Stability by Lea Proteins from the Higher Plant Arabidopsis Thaliana. In CryoLetters, 31 (2), S. 178 - 179. (2010)
Meeting Abstract
Sampathkumar, A.; Maximova, E.; Hartmann, J.; Persson, S.: Role of Actin Cytoskeleton During Primary Wall Cellulose Deposition. In IMC-17. (2010)
Meeting Abstract
Bock, R.: Transgenic plastids as expression factories in biotechnology. In New Biotechnology, 25, S. S282 - S282. (2009)
Meeting Abstract
Gliwicka, M.; Balazadeh, S.; Caldana, C.; Mueller-Roeber, B.; Gaj, M. D.: The use of multi-qPCR platform and tan1 mutant in identification of TF genes involved in somatic embryogenesis in Arabidopsis multi-qPCR platform and tan1 mutant in identification of TF genes involved in somatic embryogenesis in Arabidopsis. In Acta Biologica Cracoviensia Series Botanica, 51, S. 17 - 17. (2009)
Meeting Abstract
Hesse, H.: 'Systems' biology of inter- and intracellular metabolite transport in plants. In Amino Acids, 37, S. 46 - 46. (2009)
Meeting Abstract
Hincha, D. K.: Towards Understanding the Mechanistic Basis of Plant Cold Acclimation. In CryoLetters, 30 (1), S. 80 - 80. (2009)
Meeting Abstract
Kempkensteffen, C.; Catchpole, G.; Platzer, A.; Selbig, J.; Willmitzer, L.; Hinz, S.; Christoph, F.; Miller, K.; Weikert, S.: Metabolic Profiling of Non-Metastatic as Compared to Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinomas. In Journal of Urology, 181 (4), S. 39 - 39. (2009)
Meeting Abstract
Meyer, R. C.; Lisec, J.; Sulpice, R.; Steinfath, M.; Gaertner, T.; Becher, M.; Witucka-Wall, H.; von Korff, M.; Gunther, T.; Childs, L. et al.; Scharr, H.; Walter, A.; Torjek, O.; Fiehn, O.; Schurr, U.; Schmid, K.; Walther, D.; Gibon, Y.; Selbig, J.; Stitt, M.; Willmitzer, L.; Altmann, T.: Analysis of Arabidopsis natural variation in biomass accumulation and metabolism. In New Biotechnology, 25, S. S307 - S307. (2009)
Meeting Abstract
Mueller-Roeber, B.; Arvidsson, S.; Balazadeh, S.; Correa, L. G. G.; Perez-Rodriguez, P.; Riano-Pachon, D. M.: Gene regulatory networks and transcription factor transcriptomics. In New Biotechnology, 25, S. S318 - S318. (2009)
Meeting Abstract
Pivovarova, O.; Willmitzer, L.; Pfeiffer, A. F. H.; Nikiforova, V. J.; Rudovich, N.: Regulation of plasma metabolome and subcutaneous adipose transcriptome by insulin in the clamp study. In Diabetologia, 52, S. S207 - S207. (2009)
Meeting Abstract
van der Merwe, M. J.; Osorio, S.; Moritz, T.; Nunes-Nesi, A.; Fernie, A. R.: The role and regulation of the tricarboxylic acid cycle in Solanum lycopersicum roots. In South African Journal of Botany, 75 (2), S. 424 - 424. (2009)
Meeting Abstract
Vigano, I.; Holzinger, R.; Rockmann, T.; van Dijk, A.; Keppler, F.; Greule, M.; Brand, W. A.; van Weelden, H.; van Dongen, J. T.: UV light induces methane emission from plant biomass: Mechanism and isotope studies. In Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta, 73 (13), S. A1382 - A1382. (2009)
Meeting Abstract
Willmitzer, L.; Degenkolbe, T.; Caldana, C.; Hannah, M.: Systems response to environmental conditions as studied by metabolome analysis. In New Biotechnology, 25, S. S317 - S317. (2009)
Meeting Abstract
Bischoff, V.; Cookson, S.; Hofte, H.; Scheible, W.-R.; Vernhettes, S.: CESA-Complex motility and expression of cell wall relevant genes is altered in Thaxtomin A treated Arabidopsis seedlings. In Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology a-Molecular & Integrative Physiology, 150 (3), S. S147 - S147. (2008)
Meeting Abstract
Gorzka, G.; Nikiforova, V.: German-Russian Cooperation Network Biotechnology: The Project continues. In Bioforum Europe, 12 (9), S. 24 - 25. (2008)
Meeting Abstract
Le, Q. M.; Hincha, D.: Natural genetic variation of sub-zero cold acclimation in Arabidopsis thaliana. In CryoLetters, 29 (1), S. 80 - 81. (2008)
Meeting Abstract
Musialak-Lange, M.; Morcuende, R.; Scheible, W.-R.: Investigating novel potential regulators and signalling components in phosphate stress responses of Arabidopsis thaliana. In Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology a-Molecular & Integrative Physiology, 150 (3), S. S193 - S193. (2008)
Meeting Abstract
Rumpler, M.; Woesz, A.; Dunlop, J.; van Dongen, J.; Klaushofer, K.; Fratzl, P.: Three-dimensional geometry determines the tissue formation kinetics in vitro. In Calcified Tissue International, 82, S. S76 - S76. (2008)
Meeting Abstract
Bednarczyk, D.; Bock, R.; Schoettler, M.: Genetic manipulation of PSI biogenesis in higher plants. In Photosynthesis Research, 91 (2-3), S. 195 - 195. (2007)
Meeting Abstract
Cuong, N. H.; Hesse, H.; Hoefgen, R.: Improvement of amino acid content in rice (O-sativa). In Amino Acids, 33 (3), S. Xxxv - Xxxv. (2007)
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