Zeitschriftenartikel (174)

Goymann, W.; Safari, I.; Muck, C.; Schwabl, I.: Sex roles, parental care and offspring growth in two contrasting coucal species. Royal Society Open Science 3 (10), 160463 (2016)
Greggor, A. L.; Jolles, J. W.; Thornton, A.; Clayton, N. S.: Seasonal changes in neophobia and its consistency in rooks: The effect of novelty type and dominance position. Animal Behaviour 121, S. 11 - 20 (2016)
Grüneberg, C.; Bauer, H.-G.; Haupt, H.; Hüppop, O.; Ryslavy, T.; Südbeck, P.: Rote Liste der Brutvogelarten Deutschlands, 5. Fassung, 30. November 2015. Berichte zum Vogelschutz 52, S. 19 - 67 (2016)
Han, C. S.; Santostefano, F.; Dingemanse, N. J.: Do social partners affect same-sex sexual behaviour in male water striders? Animal Behaviour 116, S. 53 - 59 (2016)
Hartnett, A. T.; Schertzer, E.; Levin, S. A.; Couzin, I. D.: Heterogeneous preference and local nonlinearity in consensus decision making. Physical Review Letters 116 (3), 038701 (2016)
Hau, M.; Casagrande, S.; Ouyang, J. Q.; Baugh, A. T.: Glucocorticoid-mediated phenotypes in vertebrates: Multilevel variation and evolution. Advances in the Study of Behavior 48, S. 41 - 115 (2016)
Hays, G. C.; Ferreira, L. C.; Sequeira, A. M.M.; Meekan, M. G.; Duarte, C. M.; Bailey, H.; Bailleul, F.; Bowen, W. D.; Caley, M. J.; Costa, D. P. et al.; Eguíluz, V. M.; Fossette, S.; Friedlaender, A. S.; Gales, N.; Gleiss, A. C.; Gunn, J.; Harcourt, R.; Hazen, E. L.; Heithaus, M. R.; Heupel, M.; Holland, K.; Horning, M.; Jonsen, I.; Kooyman, G. L.; Lowe, C. G.; Madsen, P. T.; Marsh, H.; Phillips, R. A.; Righton, D.; Ropert-Coudert, Y.; Sato, K.; Shaffer, S. A.; Simpfendorfer, C. A.; Sims, D. W.; Skomal, G.; Takahashi, A.; Trathan, P. N.; Wikelski, M.; Womble, J. N.; Thums, M.: Key questions in marine megafauna movement ecology. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 31 (6), S. 463 - 475 (2016)
Herkt, K. M. B.; Barnikel, G.; Skidmore, A. K.; Fahr, J.: A high-resolution model of bat diversity and endemism for continental Africa. Ecological Modelling 320, S. 9 - 28 (2016)
Hidalgo Aranzamendi, N.; Hall, M. L.; Kingma, S. A.; Sunnucks, P.; Peters, A.: Incest avoidance, extrapair paternity, and territory quality drive divorce in a year-round territorial bird. Behavioral Ecology 27 (6), S. 1808 - 1819 (2016)
Hofer, H.; Benhaiem, S.; Golla, W.; East, M. L.: Trade-offs in lactation and milk intake by competing siblings in a fluctuating environment. Behavioral Ecology 27 (5), S. 1567 - 1578 (2016)
Hopwood, P. E.; Mazue, G. P. F.; Carter, M. J.; Head, M. L.; Moore, A. J.; Royle, N. J.: Do female Nicrophorus vespilloides reduce direct costs by choosing males that mate less frequently? Biology Letters 12 (3), 20151064 (2016)
Ing, R. K.; Colombo, R.; Gembu, G.-C.; Bas, Y.; Julien, J.-F.; Gager, Y.; Hassanin, A.: Echolocation calls and flight behaviour of the elusive pied butterfly bat (Glauconycteris superba), and new data on its morphology and ecology. Acta Chiropterologica 18 (2), S. 477 - 488 (2016)
Jacobs, I. F.; von Bayern, A. M. P.; Osvath, M.: A novel tool-use mode in animals: New Caledonian crows insert tools to transport objects. Animal Cognition 19 (6), S. 1249 - 1252 (2016)
Jiguet, F.; Arlettaz, R.; Bauer, H.-G.; Belik, V.; Copete, J. L.; Couzi, L.; Czajkowski, M. A.; Dale, S.; Dombrovski, V.; Elts, J. et al.; Ferrand, Y.; Hargues, R.; Kirwan, G. M.; Minkevicius, S.; Piha, M.; Selstam, G.; Skierczynski, M.; Siblet, J.-P.; Sokolov, A.: An update of the European breeding population sizes and trends of the Ortolan Bunting (Emberiza hortulana). Ornis Fennica 93 (3), S. 186 - 196 (2016)
Jordan, L. A.; Maguire, S. M.; Hofmann, H. A.; Kohda, M.: The social and ecological costs of an ‘over-extended’ phenotype. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 283 (1822), 20152359 (2016)
Jønsson, K. A.; Delhey, K.; Sangster, G.; Ericson, P. G. P.; Irestedt, M.: The evolution of mimicry of friarbirds by orioles (Aves: Passeriformes) in Australo-Pacific archipelagos. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 283 (1833), 20160409 (2016)
Kabadayi, C.; Taylor, L. A.; von Bayern, A. M. P.; Osvath, M.: Ravens, New Caledonian crows and jackdaws parallel great apes in motor self-regulation despite smaller brains. Royal Society Open Science 3 (4), 160104 (2016)
Kalbitzer, U.; Roos, C.; Kopp, G. H.; Butynski, T. M.; Knauf, S.; Zinner, D.; Fischer, J.: Insights into the genetic foundation of aggression in Papio and the evolution of two length-polymorphisms in the promoter regions of serotonin-related genes (5-HTTLPR and MAOALPR) in Papionini. BMC Evolutionary Biology 16, 121 (2016)
Kautt, A.; Machado-Schiaffino, G.; Meyer, A.: Multispecies outcomes of sympatric speciation after admixture with the source population in two radiations of Nicaraguan Crater Lake cichlids. PLoS Genetics 12 (6), e1006157 (2016)
Kautt, A.; Machado-Schiaffino, G.; Torres-Dowdall, J.; Meyer, A.: Incipient sympatric speciation in Midas cichlid fish from the youngest and one of the smallest crater lakes in Nicaragua due to differential use of the benthic and limnetic habitats? Ecology and Evolution 6 (15), S. 5342 - 5357 (2016)
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