

Average life expectancy has been rising for years: in industrialised countries it has doubled in the last 120 years for both men and women. The causes and consequences of this phenomenon are also a challenge for research.

<span><span><span><span><span>The ageing brain</span></span></span></span></span>

The activity of genes changes in neurons with age more

Learning like a teenager

Researchers give adult zebra finches back their ability to learn new songs more

Pupil dilation decreases with age

Poor lighting conditions can reduce quality of life more

A bottle of rapamycin stands in the foreground in front of tubes of fruit flies

Protection against an increase in pro-inflammatory factors with age more

a big family sitting together and enjoying an afternoon

Recent study shows evolution of kinship structures through 2100 more

Cycle of fasting and feeding is crucial for healthy ageing

Genetic switch rescues ageing fish from continuous fasting trap more

The epigenome of hepatocytes changes with increasing age. The figure shows a graphical representation of epigenetic measurement data. The further apart two points are, the more different is the epigenome of the cells.

Liver cells age differently depending on where they are in the organ more

three older people sitting on a bench

Life expectancy in the USA stagnates due to high mortality in retirement age more

comic of two elderly climbing a stair case of coins

Inequalities in lifespans are the main driver of inequality in lifetime pensions more

Elderly worker at a milling machine

A study confirms this trend, while also showing major differences between men and women, eastern and western Germany, and low and high-skilled workers more

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<span><span><span><span><span>The ageing brain</span></span></span></span></span>

The activity of genes changes in neurons with age more

Learning like a teenager

Researchers give adult zebra finches back their ability to learn new songs more

Pupil dilation decreases with age

Poor lighting conditions can reduce quality of life more

a big family sitting together and enjoying an afternoon

Recent study shows evolution of kinship structures through 2100 more

Cycle of fasting and feeding is crucial for healthy ageing

Genetic switch rescues ageing fish from continuous fasting trap more

The epigenome of hepatocytes changes with increasing age. The figure shows a graphical representation of epigenetic measurement data. The further apart two points are, the more different is the epigenome of the cells.

Liver cells age differently depending on where they are in the organ more

three older people sitting on a bench

Life expectancy in the USA stagnates due to high mortality in retirement age more

comic of two elderly climbing a stair case of coins

Inequalities in lifespans are the main driver of inequality in lifetime pensions more

Elderly worker at a milling machine

A study confirms this trend, while also showing major differences between men and women, eastern and western Germany, and low and high-skilled workers more

Poorly insulated nerve cells promote Alzheimer’s disease in old age

Researchers have shown that defective myelin actively promotes disease-related changes in Alzheimer’s disease. more

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Scientific highlights 2020

Scientific highlights 2020

December 21, 2020

Many publications by Max Planck scientists in 2020 were of great social relevance or met with a great media response. We have selected 13 articles to present you with an overview of some noteworthy research of the year more

How children influence the life expectancy of their parents

Does having children make us live longer? The numbers say yes, but the reasons are not yet understood. more

Long-lived fruit flies (right) have smaller nucleoli than their shorter-lived relatives (left).

Scientists discover that nucleolar size correlates with health and lifespan in organisms as diverse as roundworms, flies and humans more

An old couple walking with their back to the camera

Maintaining a normal weight, not smoking, and drinking alcohol at moderatel levels add healthy years to life more

Women in East Germany will be more likely to die from smoking than those in West Germany

Max Planck researcher criticizes insufficient anti-smoking policies more

Gut bacteria affect ageing

The life expectancy of older fish is extended if their gut is colonized with the microorganisms of younger fish. more

In mice, dietary restrictions can lead to changes in lipid metabolism, thus increasing the animals' lifespans more

Genome-based diets maximise growth, fecundity, and lifespan

A new developed diet for fruit flies increases growth and fecundity without shortening life-span more

Older people make riskier choices than younger adults—and worse decisions more

Helping pays off: People who care for others live longer

Study investigates the relationship between caregiving and lifespan more

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