Finding, attracting and developing talent
Human resources development and opportunities in the Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
In order to win over excellent minds and to keep them loyal to the organization, the Max-Planck-Gesellschaft is offering talented scientists and talented support staff a wide range of measures and services as part of a structured talent management programme. These measures range from recruitment through to transfer to the scientific and business community.
The goal of the HR Development & Opportunities Department is to enable strategy-oriented, systematic career advancement at the Max Planck Institutes at all career levels and throughout the entire talent management process. We have developed a wide range of measures in the context of personnel recruitment, loyalty and development.
During the phases • Attract & Recruit • Welcome & Onboard • Develop & Retain • Navigate & Transfer • the Max-Planck-Gesellschaft offers attractive programmes, measures, services and networks that open up a wide range of attractive career opportunities for individual staff during and after the period spent working for one of the world’s most prestigious research institutions.
Head of Department, HR Development & Opportunities
Kerstin Dübner-Gee
Phone +49 89 2108-1178
The Onboarding, Career & Development team manages all measures relating to systematic personnel development for all target groups – scientists in management positions, junior scientists and the science support area/science management – and bundles them together under the umbrella of the Planck Academy, which is currently being established.
Dr. Dagmar Eberle
Phone +49 89 2108-1785
The Programmes & Networks team is responsible for all structured programmes, such as the International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS), the central Max Planck research programmes (Lise Meitner Excellence Program, Max Planck Research Groups, etc.) and prizes for junior scientists. It is also in charge of the central networks organized by the Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, such as the alumni, PhDNet, Career Steps Network and networks in the industrial sector. Here, too, ideas for new measure packages such as Career Tracking are being developed.
Ilka Schießler-Gäbler
Phone +49 89 2108-2486
Measures relating to all areas of Talent, Gender & Diversity, as well as the central cooperation and network structures with the Institutes, are designed, developed and implemented by our colleagues.
Frauke Logermann
Phone + 49 89 2101-1576
Dr. Christian Erlacher
Phone + 49 89 2108-1322
The Welcome, Dual Career, Family & Health team is responsible for all measures and programmes relating to interdisciplinary issues, such as reconciliation of career and family life, equal opportunities, gender-sensitive career advancement, integration and precautionary healthcare measures.