Entrance to the administrative headquarters of the Max Planck Society in Munich, Germany

Procedures and Regulations

As a decentralized research organization the Max Planck Society requires  rules and regulations particularly with respect to quality assurance in  research at its institutes and facilities.
The Code of Conduct of the Max Planck Society - our core values
The purpose of the Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Science is to support science, in particular through the operation of research institutes. (Version: 1st January 2024)
For a research organisation like the Max Planck Society, acting responsibly and in accordance with the rules is indispensable. It is essential that everyone - both in science and in the science-supporting area - abides by laws and internal regulations. The guiding principles are intended to provide all employees with guidance on how to do the right thing, especially in risky areas - with specific instructions for individual conduct.
A summary of the governance of the Max Planck Society
The globally visible success of the scientists who work at the Max Planck Society is based on the broad scientific freedom they enjoy, but also on the sophisticated quality assurance procedures described in this brochure.
The data protection guideline is the voluntary commitment of the Max Planck Society to the implementation of data protection. With the data protection policy, the management expresses its responsibility for data protection and sets out the primary principles.
Adopted by the Senate of the Max-Planck-Gesellschaft on 23 March 2018
The present IT Security Guidelines are based on the IT Security Policy of the Max Planck Society, which took effect on 21 June 2017, and specify the IT security provisions for the facilities of the Society (institutes, research units, Administrative Headquarters, and central facilities) and their employees as well as for the users of their IT infrastructure.
The secure handling of data is of the utmost importance for the Max Planck Society, making IT security a foremost objective for the protection of the Society’s infrastructures and data.
All those working in the Max Planck Society and its associated organs are expected to cooperate in maintaining an environment for work, research and vocational training which is characterized by mutual respect and tolerance, and in which there is no room for prejudicial treatment or discrimination.
The "Guidelines for the Development of International Cooperations of the Max Planck Society" serve to support scientists of the Max Planck Society in in balancing freedom of research, rule compliance and individual responsibility so that they are able to successfully carry out international collaborations even under uncertain or challenging conditions.
Development of strategies and processes for risk management in the Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
Scientific Advisory Boards are the main element of the evaluation accompanying the research facilities of the Max-Planck-Gesellschaft.
Report by Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Wolfgang Schön (Director at the MPI for Tax Law and Public Finance, former Vice President of the Society).
Electoral Rules of Procedure for the Election of Representatives of Academic and Scientific-Technical Staff at General Meetings of the Institute.
Research plays a fundamental role in ensuring the progress of mankind. It enables the extension of the boundaries of knowledge and enhances the welfare, prosperity and security of mankind and the protection of the environment. Resolution of the Senate of the Max Planck-Society from March 19, 2010, amended March 17, 2017.
Guidelines for the deployment of ombudspersons at the research institutions and in the Sections of the Max Planck Society - adopted by the Scientific Council of the Max Planck Society on February 15, 2001, amended on February 16, 2006
Resolution of the Senate of the Max-Planck-Society from March 11, 1994 in the version adopted on November 20, 2009.
Max Planck Research Groups are intended to promote outstandingly gifted young male and female scientists. In individual subject areas it is appropriate to make appointments to W 2 posts with tenure track in order to be internationally competitive.
Scientific honesty and the observance of the principles of good scientific practice are essential in all scientific work which seeks to expand our knowledge and which is intended to earn respect from the public. These rules have been updated in 2021 to reflect more recent developments and are in accordance with the DFG's 2019 guidelines.
Adopted by the Senate of the Max Planck Society on November 24, 2000
Adopted by the Senate of the Max Planck Society on November 14, 1997, amended on November 24, 2000.
Guidelines adopted by the Senate of the Max Planck Society on November 22, 1974.
Adopted by the General Meeting of the Members of the Max-Planck-Gesellschaft on 23 June 1965
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