Lise Meitner Excellence Program
The Lise Meitner Excellence Programme is designed to attract and specifically promote exceptionally qualified female scientists
Call for Applications 2025: Lise Meitner Research Groups
The MPG offers excellent researchers again the possibility to apply for a position as a Leader of a Lise Meitner Research Group in all areas of science.
Applications are possible between February 12th - April 08th, 2025.
Applications can only be submitted via the following database: https://lme.cloud.opencampus.net/
The Max Planck Society has initiated a number of measures to attract increasing numbers of women to a career in science and provide them with equal opportunities for all stages of their career. An important initiative is the Lise Meitner Excellence Program. The positon as a Lise Meitner Group Leader will be advertised to recruit and promote exceptionally qualified female scientists. There is a multi-stage, competitive selection process, held in close consultation with interested Max Planck Institutes. The Lise Meitner Groups are furnished with their own resources for their entire duration.
A position with prospects
Every new researcher in the Lise Meitner Excellence Program receives the offer to take part in the tenure track process, which – following a positive decision by the tenure committee – will lead to a permanent W2 post with group equipment.
Moreover, the Lise Meitner Excellence Program is aimed at the future stars within a research field – at a very early stage in their scientific careers. Successful researchers will be included in the pool of outstandingly qualified candidates with the subsequent chance of becoming a director at a Max Planck Institute.
The Max Planck Society thus wants to identify and promote these outstanding talents and offer them transparent and attractive internal career perspectives.