Max Planck Research Groups

Max Planck Research Groups

The cornerstone of central support of early career researchers

Max Planck Research Groups have been a key part of support of junior scientists for over 50 years. They provide postdocs with a first-rate support to help them on their scientific career paths – the appointment of Group Leader positions is subject to a rigorous, centrally managed selection procedure.

The current call for proposals is closed. The next call for proposals is expected to take place from 9. September 2025 to 14. October 2025.


There are two types of Max Planck Research Groups: Institute-specific and open-topic Groups. If Max Planck Institutes have the budget required, they can offer the first type. These Max Planck Research Groups are then usually thematically linked to the Institute concerned.

In addition, the Max Planck Society funds and calls for applications for open-topic Max Planck Research Groups. The appointment of all Max Planck Research Group Leaders is subject to a rigorous selection procedure which is coordinated centrally.

Max Planck Research Group Leaders receive a six-year W2 contract which can be extended by three years in the event of positive evaluation, which means a maximum of nine years in total. Together with their Research Group, they use the infrastructure of the Institute concerned and also have their own budget for personnel and resources. The Group Leaders can use the approved budget at their own discretion. Even though they are granted scientific autonomy, they are expected to actively participate in Institute life.

Making an application

The procedure for applications called for centrally for open-topic Max Planck Research Groups is explained under Frequently asked questions. The call for applications generally takes place once a year. It is published on the careers section of the Max Planck Society website, as well as in international specialist publications and on employment websites specialized in scientific job opportunities.

These Max Planck Research Groups are not subject to any thematic restrictions. Applicants can indicate up to three Max Planck Institutes at which they would like to work. Institute-specific positions are published in relevant specialist magazines and usually also on the website of the Max Planck Institute concerned.

Tenure Track cooperation with the Technical University of Munich

The Max Planck Society (MPG) and the Technische Universität München (TUM) offer an add-on opportunity for newly recruited Max Planck Research Group Leaders: Once accepted for the position as Max Planck Research Group Leader, successful candidates can apply for a position as a Tenure Track Assistant Professor at TUM, if available. Acceptance into this joint programme provides career options to Associate and Full Professor status according to the TUM Faculty Tenure Track system. This offer is independent of the chosen Max Planck Institute. Applicants who consider to participate in the MPG/TUM career programme can indicate their interest at the online application portal. More information about the joint MPG/TUM career programme can be found here.

Tenure track options may also be possible with other universities on an individual basis.

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