Max Planck-Genome-centre Cologne (MP-GC)
The Max Planck-Genome-centre Cologne (MP-GC) is a core facility for Max Planck Institutes performing next generation sequencing (NGS). It is open for scientists of institutes and departments within the Max Planck Society which contribute to MP-GC with a substantial financial support. It currently provides sequencing service on different second generation and third generation sequencing platforms (Illumina HiSeq, Pacific Biosciences and Oxford Nanopore Technology) to cover short-read and long-read technologies. More recently, single cell methods (e.g. 10x Genomics) were also implemented.
A major distinguishing feature of the MP-GC from commercial sequencing providers is the flexible planning and processing of sequencing projects according to the scientist’s specific requirements. Our services cover sample and library quality checks, material clean-up, library preparation, sequencing and data analysis of individual NGS sequencing projects. Furthermore, we perform development of non-standard methods and work with all kinds of critical and low scale input material. Due to individual barcoding of each sample, we are able to offer very flexible sequencing conditions, ranging from low numbers of reads to complete lanes/cells.