Final results report and measures for the Max Planck-wide survey
At the Senate session at the end of November, the in-depth evaluations of the Max Planck survey on work culture and working atmosphere in the Max Planck Society were presented. The report is now also available online.
The most important new findings include the following
- There are small differences between the Sections in terms of bullying and sexual discrimination & harassment
- Female scientists from non-EU countries are more at risk of experiencing sexual discrimination & harassment than Germans or EU foreigners
- Female doctoral students are also more at risk of experiencing sexual discrimination & harassment compared to other status groups
- Non-scientific staff are more likely to report harassment experiences compared to other status groups
- Across nationalities, there are no systematic patterns for self-reported bullying experiences (German / other EU / non-EU).

The final report confirms the key statements outlined in the short report of June. It is positive that the employees are highly committed to their institutes or facilities. They value the working atmosphere in individual groups and with the leadership of direct supervisors.
It has also become apparent, however, that there areas that we need to work on. Above all, we must better protect employees against sexualized discrimination, harassment and bullying as well as facilitate the reconciliation of career and family life and the integration and welcoming of new staff in the MPG.
Many of the measures announced in June have either already been implemented or are in the process of being implemented.
- Core values were laid out in the Max Planck wide Code of Conduct.
- Working and leadership culture has become a focus of the Department of HR Development & Opportunities with a position for the overall coordination of such programs.
- The Staff Unit "Internal Investigations" has been established within the Internal Auditing Department.
- An external law firm was appointed as a point of contact.
- An offer for immediate assistance was created (EMAP). Immediate professional counselling is available for all staff members and scholarship holders for use around the clock and free of charge.
Currently being developed or expanded
- The "Family Office" in the Administrative Headquarters, which is the Institutes’ contact point for all measures relating to the reconciliation of career and family life, will be expanded.
- The Planck Academy (which will be founded in February 2020) as central building block for management training, mentoring, coaching and seminars
Surveys at Institute level
The results of the MPG-wide survey provide a meaningful picture of the entire organization. However, the central measures based on them can only have an effect to a certain extent – after that, the actions of each individual institute are required. "It is of paramount importance to me that all institutions and institutes use such a survey to identify, know and improve their own fields of action. This is the only way to achieve the necessary change in values," so President Stratmann.