MaxPlanckResearch now available as eMagazine
You can now access the MaxPlanckResearch at any time – and completely paperless! The research magazine of the Max Planck Society is now available in electronic form. By clicking on the links below, you can download the eMagazine quickly and for free on your tablet or smartphone.
Android Tablet version (Google Play Store)
The eMagazine is now available for Apple iPad or Android devices. If you want to read the MaxPlanckResarch on the monitor of your desktop PC, you can find it on the Max Planck Society's website. The electronic offer can be extended by videos, animations, or podcasts on the relevant subjects in the magazine.

Alongside topical short reports as well as the sections Physics & Astronomy, Biology & Medicine, Matter & Material, Environment & Climate, and Culture & Society, every issue contains a special focus on a specific subject. The articles cover all areas of current fundamental research – from cosmic objects on the frontiers of space and time through ecological and social systems, up to the molecular and atomic structures on which the inanimate world is based.
Like its printed counterpart, the eMagazine fills you in on the history behind the stories – thoroughly researched and written in an accessible manner. Renowned science journalists visit the research institutes of the Max Planck Society and look over the shoulders of scientists while they go about their work. This is how we deliver first-hand reports on what science is up to today and will achieve tomorrow – now everywhere, and at any time.