Archive of Events

Host: Max Planck Society Location: Online-Event
Ian Hatton and his team including scientists from Spain, Australia, Israel and Canada were able to prove an assumption that biologists already made in the 1970s: humans have upset the natural balance of biomass in the oceans. [more]
Eruptions and earthquakes have left their mark on the city of Naples. How have these disasters shaped the city’s art and architecture and the mindset of people living with natural threats? [more]

"Water, more expensive than gold"

The Max Planck Symposium is an intensive, two-day career conference serving as a platform to connect international Max Planck Alumni and Max Planck Early Career Researchers of all disciplines and Institutes. The topic of every symposium is suggested and realized by the participants themselves, who are then supported by high level experts and invited guests. [more]
The Max Planck Symposium is an intensive, three-day career conference serving as a platform to connect international Max Planck Alumni and Max Planck Early Career Researchers of all disciplines and Institutes. The topic of every symposium is suggested and realized by the participants themselves, who are then supported by high level experts and invited guests. [more]
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