Even chimpanzees and six-year-old infants want to punish antisocial behaviour more
A hyperactive network inhibits the flow of speech more
The more a poem evokes vivid sensory imagery, the more we like it more
Max Planck researchers discover the oldest ever images of dogs on leashes more
First-borns are more likely to study more prestigious subjects at university such as medicine and engineering and can thus expect greater earnings than later-borns, who turn to arts, journalism and teaching. more
At the age of six months, babies develop a sense of statistics more
Large-scale study casts light on the nature of risk preferences more
Babies as old as only a few months are able to identify objects as 'spiders' or 'snakes' and respond to them more
Individual qualities matter more than group qualities when choosing a new friend from an ethnic or religious group other than one’s own more
MRI study analyzes stress-processing brain regions in older city dwellers more