Utrophin increase in muscle cells after transcriptional adaptation normalises cell function in Duchenne muscular dystrophy more
The hormone triggers insulin resistance in blood vessel endothelium in obesity more
New insights into neural waves could revolutionize the development of energy-efficient AI systems more
A 3D-map of the metabolic centre supports research into anti-obesity drugs more
An enzyme called Ubiquitin-specific peptidase 5 is a key factor in protein quality in heart muscle cells more
Human influence has led to loss of chimpanzee culture and calls for conservation strategies to include preserving cultural distinctiveness more
Male ruffs can remove excess sex hormones from their blood more
The fruit fly Drosophila busckii can detect and thrive on toxic food sources more
The director of the Max-Planck-Institute for Brain Research has shaped the modern science of neuronal populations more
3D-printed snail shells provide insights into the brood care of cichlids more