On the Future of the Max Planck Institute for International, European and Regulatory Procedural Law
The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg has informed the Max Planck Society that it wishes to transfer the Max Planck Institute for International, European and Regulatory Procedural Law, which is fully financed by the Grand Duchy, to the University of Luxembourg over a transitional period of three to four years, i.e. until the retirement of the two directors currently in office.

A government decision to this effect was already taken a few days ago. The Institute was founded in 2012 on the basis of an agreement between the Luxembourg government and the Max Planck Society. Over the past decade, it has successfully developed into an important pillar of the research landscape in Luxembourg and made a significant contribution to the promotion of excellence there.
The government has emphasised that the Max Planck Society is an example for Luxembourg that the promotion of excellence requires explicit initiatives. However, these would have to be adapted to the respective context. For example, since 2019, coordination between the actors of the Luxembourg research landscape has been strengthened by the Luxembourg Research and Innovation Strategy.
With this in mind, very constructive talks have now taken place between the Luxembourg government and the Max Planck Society on the future of the Institute. The aim is to jointly develop a governance structure for the transition of the Institute and its staff to the university, which would enable the continuation of the scientific excellence of the Institute within the framework of the excellence funding instruments of the Luxembourg research landscape. The MPG's committees will deal with the matter this autumn.