Conference Paper (3)

Conference Paper
Johnson, A. N.; Shen, G.; Veseli, S.; Shroff, K.; Korhonen, T.; Junkes, H.; Konrad, M. G.; Lange, R.; Hartman, S. M.; Kasemir, K. U. et al.; Davidsaver, M. A.; Kraimer, M. R.; Kim, K. H.: EPICS 7 core status report. In: Proceedings of ICALEPS2019, WECPR01, pp. 923 - 927. The 17th Biennial International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems (ICALEPS2019), New York, NY, USA, October 05, 2019 - October 11, 2019. JACoW, Geneva (2020)
Conference Paper
Seiler, H.; Krynski, M.; Zahn, D.; Windsor, Y. W.; Vasileiadis, T.; Sebastian, H.; Pflaum, J.; Rossi, M.; Ernstorfer, R.; Schwoerer, H.: Probing atomic motions accompanying singlet exciton fission in pentacene. In: Proceedings, The 22nd International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena 2020, Th2A.5. The 22nd International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena 2020, Washington, D.C., USA, November 16, 2020 - November 19, 2020. OSA, Washington, D.C. (2020)
Conference Paper
Tuitje, F.; Zürch, M.; Helk, T.; Gautier, J.; Tissandier, F.; Goddet, J.-P.; Oliva, E.; Guggenmos, A.; Kleineberg, U.; Stiel, H. et al.; Sebban, S.; Spielmann, C.: Ptychography and Single-Shot Nanoscale Imaging with Plasma-Based Laser Sources. ICXRL: International Conference on X-ray Lasers , Prague, Czech Republic, October 08, 2018 - October 12, 2018. X-Ray Lasers 2018: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on X-Ray Lasers, pp. 155 - 162 (2020)

Thesis - PhD (13)

Thesis - PhD
Ali, H.: Liquid-Jet Photoemission Studies of the Interface between Metal-Oxide Nanoparticles and Aqueous Solution. Dissertation, Freie Universität, Berlin (2020)
Thesis - PhD
Attia, S.: Ligand-Directed Heterogeneous Catalysis on Model Surfaces: Construction of Ultra High Vacuum Molecular Beams/ Infrared Apparatus; Investigation of Hydrocarbon Interaction with Pt(111). Dissertation, Technische Universität, Berlin (2020)
Thesis - PhD
Debnath, S.: Gas-Phase Cryogenic Vibrational Spectroscopy of Metal Oxide Cluster Ions: Structure-Reactivity Relationship. Dissertation, Universität, Leipzig (2020)
Thesis - PhD
Falling, L.: Potential-driven surface phase transitions on iridium (hydr-)oxides and their relation to electrolytic water splitting. Dissertation, Technische Universität, Berlin (2020)
Thesis - PhD
Kießling, R.: Optical Sum-Frequency Response of Lattice Vibrations and Pulse Timing at a Free-Electron Laser. Dissertation, Freie Universität, Berlin (2020)
Thesis - PhD
Litman, Y.; Rossi, M.: Tunneling and Zero-Point Energy Effects in Multidimensional Hydrogen Transfer Reactions: From Gas Phase to Adsorption on Metal Surfaces. Dissertation, Freie Universität, Berlin (2020)
Thesis - PhD
Mucha, E.: Vibrational Spectroscopy of Glycans in Helium Nanodroplets. Dissertation, Radboud University, Nijmegen (2020)
Thesis - PhD
Paßler, N.: Phonon Polaritons in Polar Dielectric Heterostructures. Dissertation, Freie Universität, Berlin (2020)
Thesis - PhD
Richter, C.; Hergenhahn, U.; Meijer, G.: Investigation of Local and Non-Local Autoionization in Aqueous Systems. Dissertation, Freie Universität, Berlin (2020)
Thesis - PhD
Thum, L.: Transition Metal-doped Calcium Oxide as Model Catalyst for the Oxygen Activation in the Oxidative Coupling of Methane (OCM) Reaction. Dissertation, Technische Universität, Berlin (2020)
Thesis - PhD
Winta, C.: Second-Harmonic Phonon Spectroscopy Using an Infrared Free-Electron Laser. Dissertation, Freie Universität, Berlin (2020)
Thesis - PhD
Zhou, Y.: Surface Phase Diagrams Including Anharmonic Effects via a Replica-Exchange Grand-Canonical Method. Dissertation, Technische Universität, Berlin (2020)
Thesis - PhD
Zwaschka, G.: Shining New Light on Water Electrolysis: Probing Electrolytic Water Splitting on Au and Pt with Micron Spatial and Femtosecond Temporal Resolution. Dissertation, Freie Universität, Berlin (2020)

Thesis - Master (3)

Thesis - Master
Mayan, I.: Elektronische Struktur und Dynamik von ultradünnen D2O-Schichten auf ZnO(10 ̅10): Charakterisierung und Kalibrierung von ultradünnen Eisschichten auf Zinkoxid. Master, Universität, Potsdam (2020)
Thesis - Master
Pugini, M.: Characterization of Human Islet Amyloid Peptide via IM-MS and Infrared Spectroscopy. Master, Freie Universität, Berlin (2020)
Thesis - Master
Walter, N.: Spectroscopic Studies on Aluminum Monofluoride. Master, Universität Stuttgart, Stuttgart (2020)

Thesis - Bachelor (1)

Thesis - Bachelor
Kapitzke, M.: Comparison of topography and lateral spectroscopy of semiconductors. Bachelor, Freie Universität, Berlin (2020)
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