Scientific Publications

Journal Article (2267)

Journal Article
Mertens, E.; Van Gelder, J.-L.: The DID-guide: A guide to developing digital mental health interventions for smartphones and virtual reality. Internet Interventions, 100794 (2025)
Journal Article
Mertens, E.; Thielmann, I.; Nocentini, A.; Siezenga, A.; Van Gelder, J.-L.: Putting situational affordances in an intervention context: How the interaction between personality and intervention situations can help us explain differential intervention responses. PLOS ONE 19 (12), e0309180 (2024)
Journal Article
Fischer, M.; Thielmann, I.; Gollwitzer, M.: The role of personality in whistleblowing: An integrative framework. Personality Science (5) (2024)
Journal Article
Riegel, R.; Wahl, T.: Twenty years of the European Arrest Warrant from a German viewpoint: Experiences, challenges, perspectives. Transnational Criminal Law Review 3 (1), pp. 38 - 67 (2024)
Journal Article
Seidl, A.; Hilbig, B. E.; Thielmann, I.: A partner in crime: Revisiting the dispositional basis of unethical loyalty. European Journal of Personality (accepted)
Journal Article
Poscher, R.: What would it take? The potential and limits of proportionality analysis in law. Jurisprudence (2024)
Journal Article
Natter, L.: The shadow of the financial crisis: Socio-economic and welfare policy development and fear of crime in Europe. A random effects within-between model analysis of the European Social Survey, 2002–2018. Social Indicators Research (2024)
Journal Article
Oberwittler, D.; Natter, L.: The unequal spread of digital neighbourhood platforms in urban neighbourhoods: A multilevel analysis of socio-demographic predictors and their relation to neighbourhood social capital. Urban studies (2024)
Journal Article
Fischer, B.; Albrecht, H.-J.: Developments in cannabis enforcement practices and patterns associated with non-medical cannabis legalization policies: a basic literature/data review. Journal of Crime and Justice (2024)
Journal Article
Hohnerlein, J.: Verwaltungsermessen und Parlamentsvorbehalt: Das Verfassungsgebot der Rückbindung der Staatsgewalt an demokratische Rechtssetzungsprozesse als Grenze administrativer Entscheidungsautonomie. Die Verwaltung 57 (2), pp. 105 - 132 (2024)
Journal Article
Kaiser, F.; Oberwittler, D.; Thielmann, I.; Kleinke, K.; Greifer, N.: When does criminal victimization undermine generalized trust? A weighted panel analysis of the effects of crime type, frequency, and variety. Social Science Research 124, 103086 (2024)
Journal Article
Poscher, R.: Lecture: Security law and proportionality. Keisatsugaku Ronshū = The Journal of Police Science 77 (5), p. 132 (2024)
Journal Article
Schubach, B.; Thielmann, I.: Does a left-wing political orientation really go along with greater prosociality? A large-scale empirical investigation. Social Psychological and Personality Science (2024)
Journal Article
Sergiou, C.-S.; Gerstner, D.; Nee, C.; Elffers, H.; van Gelder, J.-L.: Virtual reality-based retrospective think aloud (VR-RTA): a novel method for studying offender decision-making. Crime Science 13, 39 (2024)
Journal Article
Weigel, J. S.; Schwartz, S.: Relational morality and the criminal law: Report on the workshop from 6th to 8th July 2023. Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 110 (4), pp. 572 - 580 (2024)
Journal Article
Zisman, V.; Rehren, P.: The problems of empirically-informed arguments for and against retributivism. Review of Philosophy and Psychology (2024)
Journal Article
Zickfeld, J. H.; Ścigała, K. A.; Elbæk, C. T.; Michael, J.; Tønnesen, M. H.; Levy, G.; Ayal, S.; Thielmann, I.; Nockur, L.; Peer, E. et al.; Capraro, V.; Barkan, R.; Bø, S.; Bahník, Š.; Nosenzo, D.; Hertwig, R.; Mazar, N.; Weiss, A.; Koessler, A.-K.; Montal-Rosenberg, R.; Hafenbrädl, S.; Asbjørn Nielsen, Y.; Kanngiesser, P.; Schindler, S.; Gerlach, P.; Köbis, N.; Jacquemet, N.; Vranka, M.; Ariely, D.; Bin Martuza, J.; Feldman, Y.; Białek, M.; Woike, J. K.; Rahwan, Z.; Seidl, A.; Chou, E.; Kajackaite, A.; Schudy, S.; Glogowsky, U.; Czarna, A. Z.; Pfattheicher, S.; Mitkidis, P.: Effectiveness of ex-ante honesty oaths in reducing dishonesty depends on content. Nature Human Behaviour (2024)
Journal Article
Van Gelder, J.-L.; Barnum, T.; Herman, S.; Wozniak, P.: The MAXLab aggression and bystander intervention scenario set (MAXLab_ABISS): A modular scenario set for studying decision making in situations of interpersonal violence in virtual reality. Journal of Experimental Criminology (2024)
Journal Article
Li, R.; Balliet, D.; Thielmann, I.; De Vries, R. E.: Revisiting situational strength: Do strong situations restrict variance in behaviors? Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (2024)
Journal Article
Burghart, M.; Backhaus, S.: The long-term consequences of family violence victimization: An umbrella review of longitudinal meta-analyses on child maltreatment and intimate partner violence. Journal of Family Violence (2024)
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