Chemistry (Materials and Technology)


Field of parallel rows of Lavender plants, photografed in direction of the rows.

Nano-cages made of linalool and sulfur increase the service life and storage capacity of sodium-sulfur batteries

Javier Mateos (left), Tim Schulte and Tobias Ritter discuss their project in the lab.

The chemical industry has been using a reaction with explosive chemicals for over 100 years - now Mülheim scientists have discovered a safer alternative. more

View over the sea with the wind turbines of an offshore wind farm staggered at a great distance to the horizon.

A new catalytic concept is laying the foundations for the methanation of carbon dioxide on an industrial scale more

Seeing light elements in a grain boundary

A further step in unravelling materials’ properties down to the atomic scale more

shiny lump against a white-grey background

How iron in meteorites could have contributed to the origin of life more

At the right, you can a hand holding a round glass flask. The flask contains a yellowish liquid and a brownish coarse-grained powder that has settled at the bottom.

The Max Planck-Cardiff Centre Funcat lays the foundations for the systematic development of chemical reaction accelerators more

Space determines the arrangement

Researchers study historical developments of the periodic system of chemical elements more

A sausage on a fork

Choosing the right proteins can improve the mouthfeel of vegetarian sausages more

Biosynthesis of strychnine elucidated

Researchers from Jena show how the poison nut tree forms strychnine more

Young couple in bed, smiling each other lovingly

Sexual arrousal can be determined from breath more

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Field of parallel rows of Lavender plants, photografed in direction of the rows.

Nano-cages made of linalool and sulfur increase the service life and storage capacity of sodium-sulfur batteries

Javier Mateos (left), Tim Schulte and Tobias Ritter discuss their project in the lab.

The chemical industry has been using a reaction with explosive chemicals for over 100 years - now Mülheim scientists have discovered a safer alternative. more

View over the sea with the wind turbines of an offshore wind farm staggered at a great distance to the horizon.

A new catalytic concept is laying the foundations for the methanation of carbon dioxide on an industrial scale more

shiny lump against a white-grey background

How iron in meteorites could have contributed to the origin of life more

At the right, you can a hand holding a round glass flask. The flask contains a yellowish liquid and a brownish coarse-grained powder that has settled at the bottom.

The Max Planck-Cardiff Centre Funcat lays the foundations for the systematic development of chemical reaction accelerators more

A sausage on a fork

Choosing the right proteins can improve the mouthfeel of vegetarian sausages more

Biosynthesis of strychnine elucidated

Researchers from Jena show how the poison nut tree forms strychnine more

Young couple in bed, smiling each other lovingly

Sexual arrousal can be determined from breath more

Black and white image showing a bundle of collagen fibres running horizontally. The very small deposits of nanoparticles can be seen on the collagen fibres.

Incorporating various minerals in collagen puts these composite materials under stress and makes them particularly hard and strong more

Homogeneous hydrogenolysis with molecular palladium

New method enables simple tritium labeling and could provide added value to the discovery and development of pharmaceuticals more

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Yoga in the lab – Ben List is only doing this for the photographer. He was awarded the 2021 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his research on catalysts.

The discovery that small organic molecules are excellent catalysts makes Ben List, Director at the Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung, one of the pioneers of a new research field in chemistry. A portrait of the director at the Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung and 2021 Nobel laureate in chemistry. more

“The metal industry is about to undergo one of the greatest upheavals in history”

Dierk Raabe, Director at the Max Planck Institute for Iron Research in Düsseldorf, explains the opportunities that industrial companies already have today to achieve the goal of a sustainable metal industry. more

Lise Meitner, Fritz Haber and Albert Einstein - their influence on Berlin-Dahlem as a science location continues to be felt today.

The Berlin district of Dahlem plays a special role in the history of the Max Planck Society. Many institutes, such as the MPI for Physics or Biochemistry, have their roots there. A new app now enables users to explore this history on their own. more

Reducing manure and fertilizers decreases atmospheric fine particles

A decrease of agricultural ammonia emissions avoids mortality attributable to air pollution more

Stiff fibres spun from slime

Under the influence of shear forces, nanoparticles from the secretion of velvet worms form polymer fibres that can be recycled in water more

A sweet vaccine against pneumonia

A triple sugar induces an immune response against Streptococcus pneumoniae more

Green chemistry from the mussel foot

The byssus threads of the common mussel are produced by a combination of self-assembly processes and biologically active steps more

A filter for heavy hydrogen

Deuterium and tritium can be separated from each other relatively easily using a functionalized metal-organic framework compound more

New drive for tiny vessels

Miniaturized robots can be propelled through biological fluids by an enzymatic reaction or ultrasound more

The first glimpse of a single protein

A folded protein molecule can be clearly imaged with the help of electron holograms more

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Let's  talk about Crispr-Cas9

YouTuber Mai Thi Nguyen-Kim talks to Nobel Prize winner in Chemistry Emmanuelle Charpentier about the discovery that revolutionized genetic engineering – the Crispr-Cas9 gene scissors – and the possibilities of genome editing more

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