Precise insight into how two microscopic surfaces slide over one another could help in the manufacture of low-friction surfaces more
Computer model reveals that spatial structure delays tumour formation more
The majority can benefit when individuals are uninformed more
A heat engine measuring only a few micrometres works as well as its larger counterpart, although it splutters more
Thanks to its spherical nanostructure, fluorinated silica coating repels water and oil very effectively more
Max Planck scientists discover photosynthesis helper protein in red algae more
Together with an Indian Partner Group of the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry in Mainz, Bhola Ram Gurjar is analyzing the pollution in Indian megacities and how badly it is affecting the health of city dwellers. more
Nitrogen-containing soil is a source of hydroxyl radicals that remove pollutants from the atmosphere more
Silica microspheres in liquid crystals offer the possibility of creating every knot conceivable. more
Max Planck Researchers discover hydrogen-powered symbiotic bacteria in deep-sea hydrothermal vent mussels more