Curriculum Vitae
Born 1956 in Jena. Study of Physics and Mathematics with specialization Plasma Physics University Greifswald, Study of Astronomy and Astrophysics University of Jena, PhD at the University of Jena (1984), Charles University Prague (1984-1985), Habilitation at the University of Jena (1989), Guest Scientist at the Max Planck Institute for Radioastronomy (1989-1990), Assistant Professor at the University of Cologne (1991), Department Head of the Max Planck research unit "Dust in Star-Forming Regions" (1991-1996), Professor for Astrophysics at the University of Jena (1992), Member of the Leopoldina (since 1999), Guest Professor at the University Amsterdam (1999), Co-speaker of DFG research group "Laboratory Astrophysics" Chemnitz/Jena (2000-2007), Director and Scientific Member at the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy (since 2001), Honorary Professor at the University of Heidelberg (since 2003). Emeritus since 2024.