Scientific Publications
Journal Article (9540)
Journal Article
10, e68213 (2021)
Defining the interactome of the human mitochondrial ribosome identifies SMIM4 and TMEM223 as respiratory chain assembly factors. eLife 2.
Journal Article
11, 24457 (2021)
Kinetic control of nascent protein biogenesis by peptide deformylase. Scientific Reports 3.
Journal Article
600 (7890), pp. 653 - 658 (2021)
Integrated photonics enables continuous-beam electron phase modulation. Nature 4.
Journal Article
11, 24389 (2021)
Proteomic mapping of atrial and ventricular heart tissue in patients with aortic valve stenosis. Scientific Reports 5.
Journal Article
22 (24), 13271 (2021)
Sequestosome 1 is part of the interaction network of VAPB. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 6.
Journal Article
11 (4), 041047 (2021)
Emergent memory and kinetic hysteresis in strongly driven networks. Physical Review X 7.
Journal Article
19, 258 (2021)
Proteogenomics analysis of CUG codon translation in the human pathogen Candida albicans. BMC Biology 8.
Journal Article
269, 108131 (2021)
BetheSF V2: 3-point propagator and additional external potentials. Computer Physics Communications 9.
Journal Article
11, 1289 (2021)
Chromatography-free purification strategies for large biological macromolecular complexes involving fractionated PEG precipitation and density gradients. Life 10.
Journal Article
11 (12), 1289 (2021)
Chromatography-free purification strategies for large biological macromolecular complexes involving fractionated PEG precipitation and density gradients. Life 11.
Journal Article
37 (8), 110000 (2021)
The TFAM-to-mtDNA ratio defines inner-cellular nucleoid populations with distinct activity levels. Cell Reports 12.
Journal Article
22 (22), 12584 (2021)
Quantitative analysis of the cardiac phosphoproteome in response to acute β-adrenergic receptor stimulation in vivo. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 13.
Journal Article
16 (11), pp. 2130 - 2136 (2021)
Blinking fluorescent probes for tubulin nanoscopy in living and fixed cells. ACS Chemical Biology 14.
Journal Article
374 (6569), pp. 883 - 887 (2021)
Structural basis of Integrator-mediated transcription regulation. Science 15.
Journal Article
184 (23), pp. 5824 - 5837.e15 (2021)
An in vitro system to silence mitochondrial gene expression. Cell 16.
Journal Article
143 (44), pp. 18388 - 18393 (2021)
Photoactivatable fluorescent dyes with hydrophilic caging groups and their use in multicolor nanoscopy. Journal of the American Chemical Society 17.
Journal Article
29 (11), pp. 1230 - 1240 (2021)
Identification of an atypical interaction site in the BTB domain of the MYC-interacting zinc-finger protein 1. Structure 18.
Journal Article
143 (43), pp. 18305 - 18316 (2021)
Kinetics of NH3 desorption and diffusion on Pt: Implications for the Ostwald process. Journal of the American Chemical Society 19.
Journal Article
143 (43), pp. 17875 - 17890 (2021)
Benchmark test and guidelines for DEER/PELDOR experiments on nitroxide-labeled biomolecules. Journal of the American Chemical Society 20.
Journal Article
12, 6337 (2021)
Ultrafast high-harmonic nanoscopy of magnetization dynamics. Nature Communications