Scientific Publications

Journal Article (1703)

Journal Article
Haffert, L.; Langenbach, P.; Rommel, T.: Even in the best of both worlds, you can't have it all: How German voters navigate the trilemma of mixed-member proportionality. Electoral Studies 90, 102797 (2024)
Journal Article
Buso, I. M.; Ferrari, L.; Güth, W.; Lorè, L.; Spadoni, L.: Testing isomorphic invariance across social dilemma games. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 223, pp. 1 - 20 (2024)
Journal Article
Cramton, P.; Brandkamp, S.; Dark, J.; Hoy, D.; Kyle, A. S.; Malec, D.; Ockenfels, A.; Wilkens, a. C.: An open-access market for global communications. Telecommunications Policy (accepted)
Journal Article
Hellwig, M. F.: Zur Verantwortung des Wissenschaftlers bei der Politikberatung. Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik, pp. 1 - 19 (2024)
Journal Article
Baumert, A.; Mentrup, F. E.; Klümper, L.; Sasse, J.: Personality processes of everyday moral courage. Journal of Personality 92 (3), pp. 764 - 783 (2024)
Journal Article
Detlefsen, L.; Friedl, A.; Lima de Miranda, K.; Schmidt, U.; Sutter, M.: Are economic preferences shaped by the family context? The impact of birth order and siblings’ sex composition on economic preferences. Journal of Risk and Uncertainty (accepted)
Journal Article
Engel, C.; Zamir, E.: Is transparency a blessing or a curse? An experimental horse race between accountability and extortionary corruption. International Review of Law and Economics 78, 106189 (2024)
Journal Article
Li, M.; Adra, A.; Yuen, S.; Vargas Salfate, S.; Chan, K.-M.; Baumert, A.: Understanding non-normative civil resistance under repression: Evidence from Hong Kong and Chile. Political Psychology 45, pp. 493 - 515 (2024)
Journal Article
Offer, K.; Mischkowski, D.; Rahwan, Z.; Engel, C.: Deliberately ignoring unfairness: Responses to uncertain inequality in the ultimatum game. Communications Psychology 2 (48) (2024)
Journal Article
Opitz, S.; Sliwka, D.; Vogelsang, T.; Zimmermann, T.: The algorithmic assignment of incentive schemes. Management Science (2024)
Journal Article
Balafoutas, L.; Batsaikhan, M.; Sutter, M.: Competitiveness of entrepreneurs and salaried workers. Management Science 70 (5), pp. 2900 - 2911 (2024)
Journal Article
Cseh, Á.; Kurschat, C.; Ockenfels, A.: Organspenden: Neue Wege beschreiten. Wirtschaftsdienst 104 (5), p. 293 (2024)
Journal Article
Dertwinkel-Kalt, M.; Frey, J.: Optimal stopping in a dynamic salience model. International Economic Review 65 (2), pp. 885 - 913 (2024)
Journal Article
Ockenfels, A.; Sönmez, T.; Ünver, M.: Nierentausch in Deutschland: Analysen und Empfehlungen. Medizinrecht (accepted)
Journal Article
Alysandratos, T.; Georganas, S.; Sutter, M.: Disentangling Reputation from Selection Effects in Markets with Informational Asymmetries – A Field Experiment. Review of Economics and Statistics (2024)
Journal Article
Dertwinkel-Kalt, M.; Köster, M.: Salient cues and complexity. Management Science (2024)
Journal Article
Engel, C.; Mischkowski, D.; Offer, K.; Rahwan, Z.: Deliberately ignoring inequality to avoid rejecting unfair offers. Communications Psychology (accepted)
Journal Article
Engel, C.; Mittone, L.; Morreale, A.: Outcomes or participation? Experimentally testing competing sources of legitimacy for taxation. Economic Inquiry 62 (2), pp. 563 - 583 (2024)
Journal Article
Hellwig, M. F.: Running on empty: Accounts of the 2023 bank failures. Newsletter of the Royal Economic Society 205, pp. 20 - 21 (2024)
Journal Article
Hoeft, L.; Mill, W.: Abuse of Power – An experimental investigation of the effects of power and transparency on centralized punishment. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 220, pp. 305 - 324 (2024)
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