Book Chapter (3953)

Book Chapter
Lefèvre, W.: Was sind 'objektivierende Wissenschaften'? - Thesen zur gesellschaftlichen Natur der modernen Naturwissenschaften. In: Kritische Philosophie gesellschaftlicher Praxis, pp. 309 - 321 (Eds. Eidam, H.; Schmied-Kowarzik, W.). Königshausen & Neumann, Würzburg (1995)
Book Chapter
Renn, J.: Historical epistomology and interdisciplinarity. In: Physics, philosophy and the scientific community, pp. 241 - 225 (Eds. Gavroglu, K.; Stachel, J.; Wartofsky, M. W.). Kluwer, Dordrecht (1995)
Book Chapter
Rheinberger, H.-J.: Exposé. In: Was wäre Natur?, pp. 9 - 10 (Eds. Haas, N.; Nägele, R.; Rheinberger, H.-J.). Edition Isele, Eggingen (1995)
Book Chapter
Rheinberger, H.-J.; Haas, N.; Nägele, R.: Vorwort. In: Was wäre Natur?, p. 7 (Eds. Haas, N.; Nägele, R.; Rheinberger, H.-J.). Edition Isele, Eggingen (1995)
Book Chapter
Stachel, J.: The manifold of possibilities: Comments on Norton. In: The creation of ideas in physics, pp. 71 - 88 (Ed. Leplin, J.). Kluwer, Dordrecht (1995)
Book Chapter
Stachel, J.: The history of relativity. In: Twentieth century physics, pp. 249 - 356 (Eds. Brown, L. M.; Pais, A.; Pippard, B.). Institute of Physics Publishing [u.a.], Bristol (1995)
Book Chapter
Steinle, F.: The amalgamation of a concept - Laws of nature in the new sciences. In: Laws of nature: Essays on the philosophical, scientific and historical dimensions, pp. 316 - 368 (Ed. Weinert, F.). de Gruyter, Berlin (1995)
Book Chapter
Swijtink, Z. G.: [Entries] 'Beth definability theorem'; 'categorical theory'; 'Craig's interpolation theorem'; 'model theory'; 'satisfiable'; 'standard model'. In: The Cambridge dictionary of philosophy (Ed. Audi, R.). Cambridge Univ. Press, New York [u.a.] (1995)
Book Chapter
Vogel, K. A.: Cultural variety in a Renaissance perspective: Johannes Boemus on "The manners, laws and customs of all people" (1520). In: Shifting cultures: interaction and discourse in the expansion of Europe, pp. 17 - 34 (Eds. Bugge, H.; Rubiés, J.-P.). LIT-Verlag, Münster (1995)
Book Chapter
Vogel, K. A.: 'America': Begriff, geographische Konzeption und frühe Entdeckungsgeschichte in der Perspektive der deutschen Humanisten. In: Von der Weltkarte zum Kuriositätenkabinett: Amerika im deutschen Humanismus und Barock, pp. 11 - 43 (Ed. Kohut, K.). Vervuert, Frankfurt am Main (1995)
Book Chapter
Vogt, A.: 21 Biographies. In: Wer war wer in der DDR?: ein elektronisches Lexikon. Links, Berlin (1995)
Book Chapter
Vogt, A.: 21 Biographies. In: Wer war wer in der DDR?: ein biographisches Handbuch (Eds. Barth, B.-R.; Links, C.; Müller-Enbergs, H.; Wielgohs, J.; Hoffmann, D.). Fischer, Frankfurt am Main (1995)
Book Chapter
Wahsner, R.: Das notwendige Dritte. In: Proceedings of the Eighth International Kant Congress, Memphis, 1995, pp. 389 - 396 (Ed. Robinson, H.). Marquette Univ. Press, Milwaukee, Wis. (1995)
Book Chapter
Wahsner, R.: Che cosa resta del concetto engelsiano di una dialectica dell natura? In: Engels: cento ani dopo, pp. 207 - 225 (Ed. Garroni, S.). La Città del Sole, Napoli (1995)
Book Chapter
Wahsner, R.: Bewegung. In: Historisch-kritisches Wörterbuch des Marxismus. Bd. 2: Bank bis Dummheit in der Musik, pp. 194 - 200 (Ed. Haug, W. F.). Meiner, Hamburg (1995)
Book Chapter
Weinig, P.: `Sin ze leren ân als verdrissen': Deutsch als Fremdsprache - ein Fach und seine Methode. In: Fremde Sprache Deutsch, pp. 239 - 263 (Ed. Handwerker, B.). Narr, Tübingen (1995)
Book Chapter
Wise, M. N.: Precision: agent of unity and product of agreement, part I - Travelling. In: The values of precision, pp. 92 - 100 (Ed. Wise, M. N.). Princeton University Press, Princeton (1995)
Book Chapter
Wise, M. N.: English gardens in Berlin: aesthetics, technology, power. In: Meaning in the visual arts: views from the outside: a centennial commemoration of Erwin Panofsky (1892–1968), pp. 237 - 254 (Ed. Lavin, I.). Princeton University Press, Princeton (1995)
Book Chapter
Wise, M. N.: Precision: agent of unity and product of agreement, part II - The age of steam and telegraphy. In: The values of precision, pp. 222 - 236 (Ed. Wise, M. N.). Princeton University Press, Princeton (1995)
Book Chapter
Wise, M. N.: Precision: agent of unity and product of agreement, part III - 'Today precision must be commonplace'. In: The values of precision, pp. 352 - 361 (Ed. Wise, M. N.). Princeton University Press, Princeton (1995)
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