Contribution to a Collected edition (41)

Contribution to a Collected edition
Poscher, R.: Teoría de un fantasma: la búsqueda infructuosa de la teoría de los principios por su objeto [span. Übersetzung von: Theorie eines Phantoms. Die erfolglose Suche der Prinzipientheorie nach ihrem Gegenstand]. In: Principios jurídicos: el debate metodológico entre Robert Alexy y Ralf Poscher, pp. 165 - 202 (Eds. García Amado, J. A.; Dalla Barba, R. G.). Palestra Editores S.A.C., Lima (2022)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Poscher, R.: ¿Resurrección de un fantasma? Sobre el ultimo intento de Robert Alexy por salvar su concepto de principio [span. Übersetzung von: Resuscitation of a phantom? On Robert Alexy’s latest attempt to save his concept of principle]. In: Principios jurídicos: el debate metodológico entre Robert Alexy y Ralf Poscher, pp. 229 - 257 (Eds. García Amado, J. A.; Dalla Barba, R. G.). Palestra Editores S.A.C., Lima (2022)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Rinceanu, J.: Legal Translation and Comparison: Challenges of Verständigung in German Criminal Procedure Law. In: Liber amicorum Viorel Paşca 70. Reforma reformei legislaţiei penale. Reforming the reform of criminal legislation, pp. 399 - 405 (Ed. Bercea, L.). Editura Universul Juridic, Bucuresti (2022)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Rinceanu, J.: Pre-trial detention vs. presumption of innocence: A paradox of preventive criminal justice. In: Be yād-e Manṣūr – Bozorgdāshtnāme-ye duktur Manṣūr Raḥmdel, ostād-e faqīd-e ʻolūm-e ǧenāi-ye Īrān (In Memory of Mansour – Collection of Essays in Memory of the Late Professor of Iranian Criminal Sciences Mansour Rahmdel), pp. 600 - 610 (Ed. Bashīrīyeh, B.). Teheran (2022)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Tellenbach, S.: Cultural and Religious Diversity and German Criminal Law. In: Be yād-e Manṣūr – Bozorgdāshtnāme-ye duktur Manṣūr Raḥmdel, ostād-e faqīd-e ʻolūm-e ǧenāi-ye Īrān (In Memory of Mansour – Collection of Essays in Memory of the Late Professor of Iranian Criminal Sciences Mansour Rahmdel), pp. 571 - 599 (Ed. Bashīrīyeh, B.). Teheran (2022)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Thielmann, I.; Hilbig, B. E.: Assumed similarity. In: Cognitive Illusions: Intriguing Phenomena in Thinking, Judgment, and Memory, 3rd ed. Ed., pp. 272 - 286 (Ed. Pohl, R. F.). Routledge (2022)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Thönnes, C.: Panoptikum Facebook – Die zivilgesellschaftlichen Auswirkungen der polizeilichen Auswertung von OSINT- und SOCMINT-Daten. In: Polizei. Wissen., Vol. 6, (1), pp. 30 - 33. Verlag für Polizeiwissenschaft, Bielefeld (2022)

Collected Edition (5)

Collected Edition
Schneider, I.; Elliesie, H.; Tellenbach, S. (Eds.): Migration und Heimatrecht: Herausforderungen muslimisch geprägter Zuwanderung nach Deutschland. Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden (2022), 118 pp.
Collected Edition
Bartsch, T.; Krieg, Y.; Schuchmann, I.; Schüttler, H.; Steinl, L.; Werner, M.; Zietlow, B. (Eds.): Gender & Crime: Geschlechteraspekte in Kriminologie und Strafrechtswissenschaft. Nomos, Baden-Baden (2022), 227 pp.
Collected Edition
Max Planck Institute for the Study of Crime, Security and Law (Ed.): Activity Report 2020-2022. Max Planck Institute for the Study of Crime, Security and Law, Freiburg, i. Br. (2022), 345 pp.
Collected Edition
Dalla Barba, R. G. (Ed.): Princípios jurídicos: o debate metodológico entre Robert Alexy e Ralf Poscher. Casa do Direito, Belo Horizonte (2022), 242 pp.
Collected Edition
García Amado, J. A.; Dalla Barba, R. G. (Eds.): Principios jurídicos: el debate metodológico entre Robert Alexy y Ralf Poscher. Palestra Editores S.A.C., Lima (2022), 257 pp.

Contribution to a Commentary (1)

Contribution to a Commentary
Eser, A.; Ambos, K.: Article 31: Grounds for excluding criminal responsibility. In: Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: Article-by-Article Commentary, 4. ed. Ed., pp. 1347 - 1381 (Ed. Ambos, K.). C.H. Beck, München (2022)

Editorial (5)

Poscher, R.: Editorial eucrim 3-2022. Eucrim - the European Criminal Law Associations' Forum (3), p. 165 (2022)
Schneider, I.; Elliesie, H.; Tellenbach, S.: Vorwort. Migration und Heimatrecht: Herausforderungen muslimisch geprägter Zuwanderung nach Deutschland, pp. 7 - 12 (2022)
Hörnle, T.: Presentación. Criminalización, castigo y dilemas morales en la obra de Tatjana Hörnle, pp. 13 - 17 (2022)
Dalla Barba, R. G.: Apresentação. Princípios jurídicos: o debate metodológico entre Robert Alexy e Ralf Poscher, pp. 9 - 16 (2022)
Dalla Barba, R. G.: Nota introductoria. Principios jurídicos: el debate metodológico entre Robert Alexy y Ralf Poscher, pp. 9 - 16 (2022)

Review Article (2)

Review Article
Rusch, H.: Heroic behavior: A review of the literature on high-stakes altruism in the wild. (2022)
Review Article
Rusch, H.: Modelling behaviour in intergroup conflicts: a review of microeconomic approaches. (2022)
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