Working Paper (4)

Working Paper
Castillo Ara, A.: Femizid: Nur ein lateinamerikanisches Phänomen? Franz von Liszt Institute working paper 2018, 01 (2018), 24, 1 pp.
Working Paper
Kartalova, S.: The Strategic Value of Ambiguity in Divergent Terms Used Interchangeably in the CJEU’s Preliminary Rulings. iCourts Working Paper Series, No. 136/2018 (2018)

Report (1)

Maldonado, A.; Correa Henao, M.; Simon, J.-M.: Informe Final del Panel Independiente: Selección de Magistradas/os de la Sala de lo Constitucional de la Corte Suprema de Justicia de El Salvador 2018. Due Process of Law Foundation, Washington D.C. (2018), 54 pp.

Other (6)

Martin, E.: New Criminological Literature in Europe: Selected Bibliography, European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice 26, pp. 99 - 102 (2018)
Martin, E.: New Criminological Literature in Europe: Selected Bibliography, European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice 26, pp. 182 - 184 (2018)
Martin, E.: New Criminological Literature in Europe: Selected Bibliography, European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice 26, pp. 261 - 265 (2018)
Martin, E.: New Criminological Literature in Europe: Selected Bibliography, European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice 26, pp. 367 - 371 (2018)
Martin, E.: New Literature in European Criminal Law: Selected Bibliography, European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice 26, pp. 266 - 267 (2018)
Van Gelder, J.-L.: Present in your future: pathways toward a new generation of crime research, (2018)

Newspaper Article (1)

Newspaper Article
Hörnle, T.: Raserfälle: Ist Vorsatz verwerflicher als Fahrlässigkeit? Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung - Einspruch Magazin (2018)

Case Note (1)

Case Note
Engelhart, M.: Anmerkung zu LG Stuttgart, Beschl. v. 26.3.2018 - 6 Qs 1/18. Wistra 37, pp. 407 - 408 (2018)

Book Review (3)

Book Review
Hörnle, T.: Rezension zu: Kai Werner, Zum Status fremdkultureller Wertvorstellungen bei der Strafzumessung. Sozialwissenschaftliche, kriminologische und strafzumessungsrechtliche Perspektiven, Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 2016. Goltdammer’s Archiv für Strafrecht, pp. 96 - 97 (2018)
Book Review
Poscher, R.: Rezension zu: David Kuch, Die Autorität des Rechts. Archiv des öffentlichen Rechts 143 (3), pp. 514 - 516 (2018)
Book Review
Wössner, G.: Rezension zu: Bernd Maelicke, Stefan Suhling (Hrsg.). Das Gefängnis auf dem Prüfstand – Zustand und Zukunft des Strafvollzugs. Zeitschrift für Jugendkriminalrecht und Jugendhilfe 29 (3), pp. 255 - 256 (2018)

Contribution to a Collected edition (82)

Contribution to a Collected edition
Albrecht, H.-J.: New Developments in Legal Systems and Their Impact on Forensic Psychiatry. In: Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology in Europe – A Cross-Border Study Guide, pp. 45 - 69 (Ed. Goethals, K.). Springer, Cham (2018)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Ambach, P.: Reparation Proceedings at the International Criminal Court - A Means to Repair or Recipe for Disappointment? In: Alternative systems of crime control: national, transnational, and international dimensions, Vol. S 161, pp. 109 - 131 (Eds. Sieber, U.; Mitsilegas, V.; Mylōnopulos, C. C.; Billis, E.; Knust, N.). Duncker & Humblot, Berlin (2018)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Arslan, M.: Intelligence and Crime Control in the Security Law of Germany. In: The Limits of Criminal Law: Anglo-German Concepts and Principles, pp. 507 - 536 (Eds. Dyson, M.; Vogel, B.). Intersentia, Cambridge [et al.] (2018)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Arslan, M.: Şüphelinin İfade Verme ve İrade Özgürlüğü (Aussage- und Willensfreiheit des Beschuldigten). In: Silvia Tellenbach'a Armağan [Festschrift für Silvia Tellenbach], pp. 787 - 816 (Eds. Yenisey, F.; Özgenç, İ.; Nuhoğlu, A.; Sözüer, A.; Turhan, F.). Seçkin, Ankara (2018)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Bachmaier, L.: Countering Terrorism: Suspects without Suspicion and (Pre-)Suspects under Surveillance. In: Alternative systems of crime control: national, transnational, and international dimensions, Vol. S 161, pp. 171 - 191 (Eds. Sieber, U.; Mitsilegas, V.; Mylōnopulos, C. C.; Billis, E.; Knust, N.). Duncker & Humblot, Berlin (2018)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Billis, E.; Knust, N.: Alternative Types of Procedure and the Formal Limits of National Criminal Justice: Aspects of Social Legitimacy. In: Alternative systems of crime control: national, transnational, and international dimensions, Vol. S 161, pp. 39 - 58 (Eds. Sieber, U.; Mitsilegas, V.; Mylonopoulos, C.; Billis, E.; Knust, N.). Duncker & Humblot, Berlin (2018)
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