
red extended and frayed spots with two yellow hot spots on a gray background with black dots scattered throughout the image

Observation of the cosmic web connecting two galaxies with unprecedented resolution shows good agreement with the predictions of modern computer simulations of the universe more

The first image of the deep universe taken by the James Webb Telescope

New all-sky survey by the MeerKAT radio telescope shows the universe as expected at large distances - unlike previous observations by other telescopes more

This image shows the Perseid meteor shower in Sequoia National Park, California, 2023. Streaks of shooting stars with bright, fiery trails cut through the dark night sky. Silhouettes of tall tree tops frame the scene, with radiant lines of meteors in the background.

In the coming nights, the Perseid meteors will streak across the skies more

A multitude of white-yellowish roundish spots with halos sitting in a larger black spot against a grey background

New scientific data from the Euclid Space Telescope reveals the mystery of the faint glow in the Perseus galaxy cluster more

Section of a circle with a band of gray and white streaks at the equator and a multitude of red and blue circles above and below it

Results from the first X-ray sky survey resolve the previous inconsistency between competing measurements of the structure of the Universe

Research highlights 2023

Research highlights 2023

December 19, 2023

Many publications by Max Planck scientists in 2023 were of great social relevance or met with a great media response. We have selected 12 articles to present you with an overview of some noteworthy research of the year more

Collage of three sections of the simulation. Each section shows three sub-aspects of the simulation on three segments arranged like pieces of cake. Each part shows net-like structures with different colours: yellow to magenta (top right), grey to yellow (top left) and white on a black background (bottom).

New computer simulation of the universe as a promising multitool more

A coloured network that resembles a vortex with a central tightening. The outer areas of the vortex appear blue-greyish with magenta-white islands, while the circular core area appears in deep blue.

James Webb Space Telescope unveils star formation in gas and dust networks of other galaxies more

Scientific highlights 2022

Scientific highlights 2022

December 14, 2022

Many publications by Max Planck scientists in 2022 were of great social relevance or met with a great media response. We have selected 12 articles to present you with an overview of some noteworthy research of the year more

A radio telescope opens up new horizons

The European observatory NOEMA reaches full capacity with twelve antennas more

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The first image of the deep universe taken by the James Webb Telescope

New all-sky survey by the MeerKAT radio telescope shows the universe as expected at large distances - unlike previous observations by other telescopes more

A multitude of white-yellowish roundish spots with halos sitting in a larger black spot against a grey background

New scientific data from the Euclid Space Telescope reveals the mystery of the faint glow in the Perseus galaxy cluster more

Collage of three sections of the simulation. Each section shows three sub-aspects of the simulation on three segments arranged like pieces of cake. Each part shows net-like structures with different colours: yellow to magenta (top right), grey to yellow (top left) and white on a black background (bottom).

New computer simulation of the universe as a promising multitool more

A coloured network that resembles a vortex with a central tightening. The outer areas of the vortex appear blue-greyish with magenta-white islands, while the circular core area appears in deep blue.

James Webb Space Telescope unveils star formation in gas and dust networks of other galaxies more

A radio telescope opens up new horizons

The European observatory NOEMA reaches full capacity with twelve antennas more

Galaxies behind a gravitational magnifier

The James Webb Telescope reveals extremely distant objects more

Preparing for the world’s biggest radio telescope

Astronomers simulate physical processes in the interstellar medium of galaxies at “Cosmic Noon” for future SKAO observations more

The universe in a new dimension

Astronomical objects appear in unprecedented detail in the first images from the James Webb Telescope more

Gruber Cosmology Prize for Frank Eisenhauer

The scientist at the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics is honoured for developing pioneering instruments more

The early cooling of the universe

The shadow of a cosmic water cloud reveals the temperature of the young universe more

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This image shows the Perseid meteor shower in Sequoia National Park, California, 2023. Streaks of shooting stars with bright, fiery trails cut through the dark night sky. Silhouettes of tall tree tops frame the scene, with radiant lines of meteors in the background.

In the coming nights, the Perseid meteors will streak across the skies more

Research highlights 2023

Research highlights 2023

December 19, 2023

Many publications by Max Planck scientists in 2023 were of great social relevance or met with a great media response. We have selected 12 articles to present you with an overview of some noteworthy research of the year more

Scientific highlights 2022

Scientific highlights 2022

December 14, 2022

Many publications by Max Planck scientists in 2022 were of great social relevance or met with a great media response. We have selected 12 articles to present you with an overview of some noteworthy research of the year more

Moon dust is not to be sneezed at

50 years ago, Max Planck Scientists were among the first to analyze lunar rock samples more

“The galactic centre offers fantastic opportunities”

Interview with Reinhard Genzel on his observation of an effect of the general theory of relativity more

The far side of the Milky Way

Astronomers achieve record measurement for an improved picture of our home galaxy more

Ring around a dwarf planet detected

Ten observatories put their sight on the dwarf planet more

Three-detector observation of gravitational waves

The cosmic ripples were not only observed by the two Ligo observatories in the USA, but also the Italian detector Virgo more

The double asteroid

An object with the name 288P is the only known active asteroid comprising two components more

<p>4.6 billion-year-old galaxy shines light on our universe</p>

A distant galaxy's effects on radio waves provide clues about the formation of cosmic magnetic fields more

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