Jens Frahm inducted into the Hall of Fame of German Research
The physicist Jens Frahm, head of Biomedizinische NMR Forschungs GmbH at the Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry in Göttingen, has been inducted into the Hall of Fame of German Research. With this induction, ‘manager magazin’ is honouring the researcher for his pioneering further developments of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The FLASH technology he invented has made MRI today’s most important imaging method in clinical diagnostics and one which is used around the globe. An extension, which Frahm developed only recently, is now even enabling real-time recordings from the inside of the body, and is currently being tested for clinical use.

“The road from scientific finding to innovation, from the flash of inspiration to the useful application, is long and requires many different skills. I therefore thank you for this unique honour on behalf of the many colleagues and cooperation partners with whom I have had the pleasure of collaborating,” said Frahm upon induction into the Hall of Fame on 16 November during a ceremony in the Kurhaus in Wiesbaden, which was attended by numerous invited guests from industry, science and politics.
Does a patient’s brain tissue exhibit any abnormalities? Did an accident victim suffer damage to their internal organs? Does a patient have a slipped disc? How good is the heartbeat? Today’s radiologists use MRI as a matter of course to answer these types of question. MRI can quickly generate precise tomographic images of our body, which show soft tissue and organs in particular especially well. Moreover, unlike X-ray techniques such as computer tomography, the method presents no risk whatsoever to the patient’s health.
The fact that hospital routine is unthinkable nowadays without MRI is down in no small part to Jens Frahm: from its invention in 1973 until the mid-1980s, MRI was simply too slow for medical applications – even a simple sectional view took several minutes. In 1985, Frahm and his staff developed the FLASH (Fast Low Angle Shot) technique. It reduced the scanning time by at least a factor of 100 and this helped MRI to achieve the breakthrough in medical diagnostics. Today, around 100 million examinations take place every year around the globe. FLASH is thus the most successful patent held by the Max Planck Society.
MRI makes use of a specific property of the hydrogen nuclei which are omnipresent in the body: their angular momentum, also called nuclear spin. This nuclear spin turns the atomic nuclei into tiny magnets. In a magnetic field, they align themselves along the magnetic field lines. A magnetic resonance imaging system generates such a magnetic field and short radio frequency pulses in the VHF range as well; these pulses momentarily push the nuclear moments off balance. As they return to their original orientation, they emit radio waves, which are recorded by high-sensitivity coils. When this process has been repeated several times, the computer can use these signals to compute an image.
A fundamental obstacle to MRI was the long measurement times, however, which were caused by the large numbers of individual measurements with different spatial encoding and the necessary delay times between them. Frahm’s FLASH technique employs a physical trick to eliminate pauses completely - it uses only a portion of the available MRI signal for each individual measurement - and thus drastically reduces the measurement time.
In 2010, Frahm and his team also solved the problem of the high number of individual measurements required: they presented a further innovation that uses a new mathematical method for image reconstruction and thus needs only a very small number of individual measurements per image. This method significantly accelerates the MRI imaging even further. The measurement time per image can thereby be reduced to one hundredth of a second.
For the first time, it is therefore now possible to make real-time recordings from inside the body and observe joint movements, speech movements, swallowing processes or the beating heart “live”. It is also possible to use MRI to examine patients whose condition leaves them unable to hold their breath for a longer period. In addition, the new technique could also be used in the future to accompany minimally invasive surgery and treatments, which are currently being conducted under X-ray control. Real-time MRI is already being tested for clinical use at the University Medical Center, Göttingen, and several other universities.
About Jens Frahm
Jens Frahm studied physics at the University of Göttingen and obtained his doctorate in physical chemistry in 1977 under the supervision of Hans Strehlow at the MPI for Biophysical Chemistry. He then worked as a research assistant at the Institute, heading an Independent Research Group there from 1982 to 1992. Since 1993, Frahm has been Head of the non-profit Biomedizinische NMR Forschungs GmbH located at the Institute. He obtained his German postdoctoral lecturing qualification at the University of Göttingen in 1994, and in 1997 he was appointed adjunct professor in its chemistry faculty. Jens Frahm is a member of the Academy of Sciences in Göttingen and an External Scientific Member at the Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organisation. Since 2005, he has been a member of the Board of the Bernstein Centre for Computational Neuroscience, Göttingen. He has been awarded numerous prizes for his research work, including the Gold Medal Award of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (1991), the Karl Heinz Beckurts Prize (1993), the research prize of the Sobeck Foundation (2013) and the Stifterverband Prize (2013).
About the Hall of Fame of German research
Since 2009, ‘manager magazin’ has honoured outstanding scientists and engineers whose work has enriched Germany as a forward-looking location for research and science by inducting them into the Hall of Fame of German Research. Half of the 20 laureates to date are Nobel Prize winners. Furthermore, ten laureates are Scientific Members of the Max Planck Society.