Study examines the link between human development and fertility in the United States more
Empirical study establishes weak association more
Emission reductions from climate mitigation projects are significantly lower than claimed, a new meta-study shows. more
Longitudinal study examines organ donation rates in five countries that have changed their organ donation default policy from opt-in to opt-out. more
How pieces of music by different composers and genres develop can be anticipated for different periods of time more
Mega-study investigates how the right wording can lead to more honesty more
Cooperative project of scientists from 25 institutions and universities more
Study reveals how generational change and family events are associated with a person's wealth more
People who aren’t in touch with their emotions can’t regulate them more
A new study suggests that police encounters are more effective in deterring young offenders with weaker morals, as they are more likely to change their behaviour due to an increased perception of detection more