Research report 2011 - Max Planck Institute of Molecular Physiology

Mitosis or the process of division of cells and chromosomes

Musacchio, Andrea
Abt. I: Mechanistische Zellbiologie (Prof. Dr. Andrea Musacchio)
After DNA replication, chromosomes consist of two identical copies of the genetic material “glued” together. During mitosis, or M-phase, the “glued” chromosomes (sister chromatids) align on a scaffold known as the mitotic spindle. Upon completion of alignment, the sister chromatids become separated and distributed to opposite ends of the dividing mother cell. This way, each daughter cell inherits an equal complement of chromosomes. Problems in the execution of mitosis lead to unbalances in chromosome numbers (aneuploidy), a common genetic abnormality in tumors.

For the full text, see the German version.

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