Research report 2006 - Max Planck Institute for Experimental Medicine

An experimental strategy for the global gene expression profiling of fluorescently labeled cell types in the adult mouse brain

Rossner, Moritz

Neurogenetik (Prof. Klaus-Armin Nave, PhD)
MPI für experimentelle Medizin, Göttingen

'Genechips' are powerful tools to study simultaneously the expression of essentially all genes. The enormous cellular complexity of the mammalian brain, however, is a major obstacle for sensitive gene expression profiling, for example when analyzing mouse models of neurological diseases. Scientist at the MPI for Experimental Medicine have solved this problem by labeling individual cells in transgenic mice that express a nuclear fluorescent protein. Using laser-directed microdissection, expression profiles can be obtained from as few as 100 isolated neurons.

For the full text, see the German version.

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