Curriculum Vitae
Adam Antebi, born 1961 in Cleveland, Ohio, studied biochemistry at Swarthmore College, Pennsylvania, USA, and received his Ph.D. in biology from MIT, Cambridge, studying calcium signaling in yeast in the lab of Gerald Fink. He spent his postdoctoral studies focusing on the threadworm C. elegans developmental timing in the lab of Ed Hedgecock at Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore. Afterwards he went on to become an independent group leader at the MPI for Molecular Genetics in Berlin, Germany, where he worked on hormonal regulation of longevity in C. elegans. He was then recruited to the Huffington Center on Aging at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas, USA, as an Assistant Professor. In 2008 Dr. Antebi returned to Germany as a director of the newly established Max Planck Institute for Biology of Ageing in Cologne.