Contribution to a Commentary (9)

Contribution to a Commentary
Chesterman, S.; Oellers-Frahm, K.: Article 92 UN Charter. In: The Statute of the International Court of Justice: a commentary, 3rd edition Ed., pp. 208 - 222 (Eds. Zimmermann, A.; Tams, C. J.; Oellers-Frahm, K.; Tomuschat, C.). Oxford University Press, Oxford (2019)
Contribution to a Commentary
Oellers-Frahm, K.; Zimmermann, A.: Article 41. In: The Statute of the International Court of Justice: a commentary, 3rd edition Ed., pp. 1135 - 1197 (Eds. Zimmermann, A.; Tams, C. J.; Oellers-Frahm, K.; Tomuschat, C.). Oxford University Press, Oxford (2019)
Contribution to a Commentary
Oellers-Frahm, K.; Zimmermann, A.: Article 93 UN Charter. In: The Statute of the International Court of Justice: a commentary, 3rd edition Ed., pp. 223 - 233 (Eds. Zimmermann, A.; Tams, C. J.; Oellers-Frahm, K.; Tomuschat, C.). Oxford University Press, Oxford (2019)
Contribution to a Commentary
Ebert, F. C.; Dubbert, S.: Labour Administration Convention, 1978 (No. 150). In: International and European Labour Law: Article-by-Article Commentary, First edition Ed., pp. 403 - 427 (Eds. Ales, E.; Bell, M.; Deinert, O.; Robin-Olivier, S.). Nomos ; C.H. Beck ; Hart Publishing, Baden-Baden ; München ; Oxford (2018)
Contribution to a Commentary
Ebert, F. C.; Dubbert, S.: Labour Inspection Convention, 1949 (No. 81). In: International and European Labour Law: Article-by-Article Commentary, First edition Ed., pp. 1073 - 1093 (Eds. Ales, E.; Bell, M.; Deinert, O.; Robin-Olivier, S.). Nomos ; C.H. Beck ; Hart Publishing, Baden-Baden ; München ; Oxford (2018)
Contribution to a Commentary
Ebert, F. C.; Dubbert, S.: Labour Inspection Convention (Agriculture), 1969 (No. 129). In: International and European Labour Law: Article-by-Article Commentary, First edition Ed., pp. 1106 - 1120 (Eds. Ales, E.; Bell, M.; Deinert, O.; Robin-Olivier, S.). Nomos ; C.H. Beck ; Hart Publishing, Baden-Baden ; München ; Oxford (2018)
Contribution to a Commentary
Ebert, F. C.: Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention, 1999 (No. 182). In: International and European Labour Law: Article-by-Article Commentary, First edition Ed., pp. 1165 - 1179 (Eds. Ales, E.; Bell, M.; Deinert, O.; Robin-Olivier, S.). Nomos ; C.H. Beck ; Hart Publishing, Baden-Baden ; München ; Oxford (2018)
Contribution to a Commentary
Krenn, C.; Schill, S.: EUV Art. 4 - Prinzipien der föderativen Grundstruktur. In: Das Recht der Europäischen Union - EUV/AEUV, Vol. 1, 65. Ergänzungslieferung Ed., pp. Rn. 1 - Rn. 128 (Eds. Grabitz, E.; Hilf, M.; Nettesheim, M.). Beck, München (2018)

Commentary (3)

ICSID Administrative and Financial Regulations, 25th September 1967 (ICSID/15), OXIO 520. Oxford University Press, Oxford (2019)
ICSID Rules of Procedure (Institution, Conciliation, and Arbitration Rules), 25th September 1967 (ICSID/15), OXIO 519. Oxford University Press, Oxford (2019)
Kommentar zur Rede Wladimir Putins vom 18. März 2014. Dekoder, Hamburg (2019)

Contribution to an Encyclopedia (29)

Contribution to an Encyclopedia
Beinlich, L.: Access to Justice. In: Elgar Encyclopedia of Human Rights. Volume 1: Entries A-D, pp. 25 - 33 (Eds. Binder, C.; Nowak, M.; Hofbauer, J. A.; Janig, P.). Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK ; Northampton, MA, USA (2022)
Contribution to an Encyclopedia
Beinlich, L.: Access to Justice. In: Elgar Encyclopedia of Human Rights: Entries A-D, Vol. 1, pp. 25 - 33 (Eds. Binder, C.; Nowak, M.; Hofbauer, J. A.; Janig, P.). Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK ; Northampton, MA, USA (2022)
Contribution to an Encyclopedia
Grote, R.: Domestic enforcement of human rights. In: Elgar Encyclopedia of Human Rights. Volume 1: Entries A-D, pp. 524 - 531 (Eds. Binder, C.; Nowak, M.; Hofbauer, J. A.; Janig, P.). Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK ; Northampton, MA, USA (2022)
Contribution to an Encyclopedia
Peters, A.: Animal rights. In: Elgar Encyclopedia of Human Rights. Volume 1: Entries A-D, pp. 129 - 135 (Eds. Binder, C.; Nowak, M.; Hofbauer, J. A.; Janig, P.). Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK ; Northampton, MA, USA (2022)
Contribution to an Encyclopedia
Peters, A.: Animal rights. In: Elgar Encyclopedia of Human Rights: Volume 1, pp. 129 - 135 (Eds. Binder, C.; Nowak, M.; Hofbauer, J. A.; Janig, P.). Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, United Kingdom ; Northampton, MA (2022)
Contribution to an Encyclopedia
Sparks, T.: Natural law theories. In: Elgar Encyclopedia of Human Rights. Volume 3. Entries I-O, pp. 539 - 545 (Eds. Binder, C.; Nowak, M.; Hofbauer, J. A.; Janig, P.). Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK ; Northampton, MA, USA (2022)
Contribution to an Encyclopedia
Sparks, T.: Natural Law Theories. In: Elgar Encyclopedia of Human Rights: Entries I-O, Vol. 3, pp. 539 - 545 (Eds. Binder, C.; Nowak, M.; Hofbauer, J. A.; Janig, P.). Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK ; Northampton, MA, USA (2022)
Contribution to an Encyclopedia
Steinbrück Platise, M.: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). In: Elgar Encyclopedia of Human Rights. Volume 3. Entries I-O, pp. 615 - 622 (Eds. Binder, C.; Nowak, M.; Hofbauer, J. A.; Janig, P.). Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK ; Northampton, MA, USA (2022)
Contribution to an Encyclopedia
Steinbrück Platise, M.: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). In: Elgar Encyclopedia of Human Rights: Entries I-O, Vol. 3, pp. 615 - 622 (Eds. Binder, C.; Nowak, M.; Hofbauer, J. A.; Janig, P.). Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK ; Northampton, MA, USA (2022)
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