Book Chapter (86)

Book Chapter
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Book Chapter
Wiedemann, K.; Krieg, J.-C.; Loycke, A.; Holsboer, F.: Novel dopamine autoreceptor agonists B-HT 920 and DMD 49980 in the treatment of patients with schizophrenia. In: Novel Antipsychotic Drugs, pp. 91 - 98 (Ed. Meltzer, H. Y.). Raven Press, New York (1992)
Book Chapter
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Book Chapter
Wiegand, M.; Riemann, D.; Schreiber, W.; Lauer, C.; Berger, M.: Reversal of antidepressant sleep deprivation effects by daytime naps. In: Integrative Biological Psychiatry, pp. 207 - 217 (Eds. Emrich, H. M.; Wiegand, M.). Springer, Berlin (1992)
Book Chapter
Wittchen, H.-U.: Anxiety disorders: comorbidity with somatic illness. In: Anxiety Disoders in the Year 2000: Controversies and Perspectives, Proceedings of the meeting held in Paris, 9 June 1992, pp. 19 - 25 (Eds. Costa, J. A.; Silva, E.). Adis International, Chester (1992)
Book Chapter
Wittchen, H.-U.; Bronisch, T.: Alcohol use, abuse and dependency in West Germany: Lifetime and six-month prevalence in the Munich Follow-up Study. In: Alcoholism in North America, Europe and Asia, pp. 159 - 181 (Eds. Helzer, J. E.; Canino, G. J.). Oxford Univ. Press, New York (1992)
Book Chapter
Zaudig, M.: Schizoaffective psychosis: A challenge to Kraepelin`s paradigm? In: Integrative Biological Psychiatry, pp. 229 - 239 (Eds. Emrich, H. M.; Wiegand, M.). Springer, Berlin (1992)
Book Chapter
Zaudig, M.; Mombour, W.; Trabert, W.; Krüger, H.: Organische, einschließlich symptomatischer psychischer Störungen (Abschnitt FO). In: Psychiatrische Diagnostik nach ICD-10 - klinische Erfahrungen bei der Anwendung. Ergebnisse der ICD-10-Merkmalslistenstudie, pp. 33 - 44 (Eds. Dittmann, V.; Dilling, H.; Freyberger, H. J.). Huber, Bern (1992)
Book Chapter
Zerbin-Rüdin, E.: What is old and what is new in the genetics of endogenous psychosis? In: Integrative Biological Psychiatry, pp. 71 - 79 (Eds. Emrich, H. M.; Wiegand, M.). Springer, Berlin (1992)
Book Chapter
Zerssen, D. v.: Selbstbeurteilungs-Fragebögen. In: Handwörterbuch der Psychiatrie, 2., überarb. Aufl., pp. 549 - 553 (Eds. Battegay, R.; Glatzel, J.; Pöldinger, W.; Rauchfleisch, U.). Enke, Stuttgart (1992)
Book Chapter
Zerssen, D. v.: Der "Typus manicus"- eine Variante der Zyklothymie? In: Persönlichkeit und psychische Erkrankung: Festschrift zum 60. Geburtstag von U. H. Peters, pp. 72 - 86 (Eds. Marneros, A.; Philipp, M.). Springer, Berlin (1992)
Book Chapter
Zerssen, D. v.; Emrich, H. M.; Dirlich, G.: Periodic phenomena on affective illness with special reference to annual cycles. In: Integrative Biological Psychiatry, pp. 181 - 205 (Eds. Emrich, H. M.; Wiegand, M.). Springer, Berlin (1992)
Book Chapter
Zieglgänsberger, W.: Arrays for microiontophoresis. In: Practical electrophysiological methods: a guide for In Vitro Studies in vertebrate neurobiology, pp. 200 - 205 (Eds. Kettenmann, H.; Grantyn, R.). Wiley-Liss, New York (1992)
Book Chapter
Zieglgänsberger, W.; Dodt, H.-U.; Deisz, R. A.; Pawelzik, H.: Peptides as neuronal signalling molecules. In: Integrative Biological Psychiatry, pp. 93 - 104 (Eds. Emrich, H. M.; Wiegand, W.). Springer, Berlin (1992)
Book Chapter
Zieglgänsberger, W.; Tölle, T. R.: Pharmacology of the dorsal horn of the spinal cord. In: Parenteral Drug Therapy in Spasticity and Parkinson`s Disease, pp. 41 - 53 (Eds. Lakke, J. P. W. F.; Delhaas M., E.; Rutgers, A. W. F.). Parthenon, Carnforth/UK (1992)
Book Chapter
Zieglgänsberger, W.; Zeise, M. L.: Calcium-diacetyl-homotaurinate which prevents relapse in weaned alcoholics decreases the action of excitatory amino acids in neocortical neurons of the rat in vitro. In: Novel Pharmacological Interventions for Alcoholism, pp. 337 - 341 (Eds. Naranjo, C. A.; Sellers, E. M.). Springer, Heidelberg (1992)
Book Chapter
Zulley, J.: Circadiane Periodik. In: Lexikon der Psychologie, pp. 52 - 55 (Eds. Tewes, U.; Wildgrube, K.). Oldenbourg, München (1992)

Thesis - PhD (4)

Thesis - PhD
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Thesis - PhD
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