Scientific Publications

Journal Article (5896)

Journal Article
Albanese, M.; Chen, H.-R.; Gapp, M.; Muenchhoff, M.; Yang, H.-H.; Peterhoff, D.; Hoffmann, K.; Xiao, Q.; Ruhle, A.; Ambiel, I. et al.; Schneider, S.; Mejias-Perez, E.; Stern, M.; Wratil, P. R.; Hofmann, K.; Amann, L.; Jocham, L.; Fuchs, T.; Ulivi, A. F.; Besson-Girard, S.; Weidlich, S.; Schneider, J.; Spinner, C. D.; Sutter, K.; Dittmer, U.; Humpe, A.; Baumeister, P.; Wieser, A.; Rothenfusser, S.; Bogner, J.; Roider, J.; Knolle, P.; Hengel, H.; Wagner, R.; Laketa, V.; Fackler, O. T.; Keppler, O. T.: Receptor transfer between immune cells by autoantibody-enhanced, CD32-driven trogocytosis is hijacked by HIV-1 to infect resting CD4 T cells. CELL REPORTS MEDICINE 5 (4), 101483 (2024)
Journal Article
Amaya, J. M.; Sips, H. C. M.; Viho, E. M. G.; Kroon, J.; Meijer, O. C.: Restricted effects of androgens on glucocorticoid signaling in the mouse prefrontal cortex and midbrain. FRONTIERS IN ENDOCRINOLOGY 14, 1292024 (2024)
Journal Article
Arcego, D. M.; Buschdorf, J.-P.; O'Toole, N.; Wang, Z.; Barth, B.; Pokhvisneva, I.; Rayan, N. A.; Patel, S.; de Mendonca Filho, E. J.; Lee, P. et al.; Tan, J.; Koh, M. X.; Sim, C. M.; Parent, C.; de Lima, R. M. S.; Clappison, A.; O'Donnell, K. J.; Dalmaz, C.; Arloth, J.; Provencal, N.; Binder, E. B.; Diorio, J.; Silveira, P. P.; Meaney, M. J.: A Glucocorticoid-Sensitive Hippocampal Gene Network Moderates the Impact of Early-Life Adversity on Mental Health Outcomes. BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY 95 (1), pp. 48 - 61 (2024)
Journal Article
Arribas, M.; Oliver, D.; Patel, R.; Kornblum, D.; Shetty, H.; Damiani, S.; Krakowski, K.; Provenzani, U.; Stahl, D.; Koutsouleris, N. et al.; McGuire, P.; Fusar-Poli, P.: A transdiagnostic prodrome for severe mental disorders: an electronic health record study. MOLECULAR PSYCHIATRY (2024)
Journal Article
Belov, V.; Erwin-Grabner, T.; Aghajani, M.; Aleman, A.; Amod, A. R.; Basgoze, Z.; Benedetti, F.; Besteher, B.; Buelow, R.; Ching, C. R. K. et al.; Connolly, C. G.; Cullen, K.; Davey, C. G.; Dima, D.; Dols, A.; Evans, J. W.; Fu, C. H. Y.; Gonul, A. S.; Gotlib, I. H.; Grabe, H. J.; Groenewold, N.; Hamilton, J. P.; Harrison, B. J.; Ho, T. C.; Mwangi, B.; Jaworska, N.; Jahanshad, N.; Klimes-Dougan, B.; Koopowitz, S.-M.; Lancaster, T.; Li, M.; Linden, D. E. J.; MacMaster, F. P.; Mehler, D. M. A.; Melloni, E.; Mueller, B. A.; Ojha, A.; Oudega, M. L.; Penninx, B. W. J. H.; Poletti, S.; Pomarol-Clotet, E.; Portella, M. J.; Pozzi, E.; Reneman, L.; Sacchet, M. D.; Saemann, P. G.; Schrantee, A.; Sim, K.; Soares, J. C.; Stein, D. J.; Thomopoulos, S. I.; Uyar-Demir, A.; van der Wee, N. J. A.; van der Werff, S. J. A.; Voelzke, H.; Whittle, S.; Wittfeld, K.; Wright, M. J.; Wu, M.-J.; Yang, T. T.; Zarate, C.; Veltman, D. J.; Schmaal, L.; Thompson, P. M.; Goya-Maldonado, R.: Multi-site benchmark classification of major depressive disorder using machine learning on cortical and subcortical measures. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 14 (1), 1084 (2024)
Journal Article
Brendler, A.; Schneider, M.; Elbau, I. G.; Sun, R.; Nantawisarakul, T.; Pöhlchen, D.; Bruckl, T.; Czisch, M.; Samann, P. G.; Lee, M. D. et al.; Spoormaker, V. I.: Assessing hypo-arousal during reward anticipation with pupillometry in patients with major depressive disorder: replication and correlations with anhedonia. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 14 (1), 344 (2024)
Journal Article
Buffa, V.; Meyners, C.; Sugiarto, W. O.; Bauder, M.; Gaali, S.; Hausch, F.: 1,4-Pyrazolyl-Containing SAFit-Analogues are Selective FKBP51 Inhibitors With Improved Ligand Efficiency and Drug-Like Profile. CHEMMEDCHEM (2024)
Journal Article
Campana, M.; Schneider-Axmann, T.; Wobrock, T.; Malchow, B.; Langguth, B.; Landgrebe, M.; Eichhammer, P.; Frank, E.; Cordes, J.; Woelwer, W. et al.; Gaebel, W.; Winterer, G.; Hajak, G.; Ohmann, C.; Verde, P. E.; Rietschel, M.; Ahmed, R.; Mortazavi, M.; Strube, W.; Falkai, P.; Hasan, A.; Wagner, E.: Assessing the impact of sex on high-frequency repetitive transcranial magetic stimulations clinical response in schizophrenia - results from a secondary analysis. WORLD JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY 25 (4), pp. 233 - 241 (2024)
Journal Article
Campana, M.; Yakimov, V.; Moussiopoulou, J.; Maurus, I.; Loehrs, L.; Raabe, F.; Jaeger, I.; Mortazavi, M.; Benros, M. E.; Jeppesen, R. et al.; zu Hoerste, G. M.; Heming, M.; Gine-Serven, E.; Labad, J.; Boix, E.; Lennox, B.; Yeeles, K.; Steiner, J.; Meyer-Lotz, G.; Dobrowolny, H.; Malchow, B.; Hansen, N.; Falkai, P.; Siafis, S.; Leucht, S.; Halstead, S.; Warren, N.; Siskind, D.; Strube, W.; Hasan, A.; Wagner, E.: Association of symptom severity and cerebrospinal fluid alterations in recent onset psychosis in schizophrenia-spectrum disorders - An individual patient data meta-analysis. BRAIN BEHAVIOR AND IMMUNITY 119, pp. 353 - 362 (2024)
Journal Article
Cetiner, M.; Bergmann, C.; Bettendorf, M.; Faust, J.; Gaeckler, A.; Gillissen, B.; Hansen, M.; Kerber, M.; Klaus, G.; Koenig, J. et al.; Kuehlewein, L.; Oh, J.; Richter-Unruh, A.; von Schnurbein, J.; Wabitsch, M.; Weihrauch-Blueher, S.; Pape, L.: Improved Care and Treatment Options for Patients with Hyperphagia-Associated Obesity in Bardet-Biedl Syndrome. KLINISCHE PAEDIATRIE (2024)
Journal Article
Czamara, D.; Dieckmann, L.; Lahti-Pulkkinen, M.; Cruceanu, C.; Henrich, W.; Plagemann, A.; Raeikkoenen, K.; Braun, T.; Binder, E. B.; Lahti, J. et al.; Entringer, S.: Sex differences in DNA methylation across gestation: a large scale, cross-cohort, multi-tissue analysis. CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR LIFE SCIENCES 81 (1), 177 (2024)
Journal Article
Delling, J.-P.; Bauer, H. F.; Gerlach-Arbeiter, S.; Schoen, M.; Jacob, C.; Wagner, J.; Pedro, M. T.; Knoell, B.; Boeckers, T. M.: Combined expansion and STED microscopy reveals altered fingerprints of postsynaptic nanostructure across brain regions in ASD-related SHANK3-deficiency. MOLECULAR PSYCHIATRY (2024)
Journal Article
Dieckmann, L.; Lahti-Pulkkinen, M.; Cruceanu, C.; Raikkonen, K.; Binder, E. B.; Czamara, D.: Quantitative trait locus mapping in placenta: A comparative study of chorionic villus and birth placenta. HUMAN GENETICS AND GENOMICS ADVANCES 5 (4), 100326 (2024)
Journal Article
Domenighetti, C.; Sugier, P.-E.; Ashok Kumar Sreelatha, A.; Schulte, C.; Grover, S.; Portugal, B.; Lee, P.-C.; May, P.; Bobbili, D.; Radivojkov Blagojevic, M. et al.; Lichtner, P.; Singleton, A. B.; Hernandez, D.; Edsall, C.; Mellick, G. D.; Zimprich, A. A.; Pirker, W.; Rogaeva, E. A.; Lang, A. E.; Koks, S.; Taba, P.; Lesage, S.; Brice, A.; Corvol, J.-C.; Chartier-Harlin, M.-C.; Mutez, E.; Brockmann, K.; Deutschlaender, A. B.; Hadjigeorgiou, G. M.; Dardiotis, E.; Stefanis, L.; Simitsi, A. M.; Valente, E. M.; Petrucci, S.; Straniero, L.; Zecchinelli, A. L.; Pezzoli, G.; Brighina, L.; Ferrarese, C.; Annesi, G.; Quattrone, A.; Gagliardi, M.; Matsuo, H.; Nakayama, A.; Hattori, N.; Nishioka, K.; Chung, S. J.; Kim, Y. J.; Kolber, P.; Van De Warrenburg, B. P. C.; Bloem, B. R.; Toft, M.; Pihlstrm, L.; Correia Guedes, L.; Ferreira, J. J.; Bardien, S.; Carr, J.; Tolosa, E.; Ezquerra, M.; Pastor, P.; Diez-Fairen, M.; Wirdefeldt, K.; Pedersen, N. L.; Ran, C.; Belin, A. C.; Puschmann, A.; Hellberg, C.; Clarke, C. E.; Morrison, K. E.; Tan, M. M.; Krainc, D.; Burbulla, L. F.; Farrer, M.; Kruger, R.; Gasser, T.; Sharma, M.; Elbaz, A.: Association of Body Mass Index and Parkinson Disease A Bidirectional Mendelian Randomization Study. NEUROLOGY 103 (3), e209620 (2024)
Journal Article
Dong, M. S.; Rokicki, J.; Dwyer, D.; Papiol, S.; Streit, F.; Rietschel, M.; Wobrock, T.; Mueller-Myhsok, B.; Falkai, P.; Westlye, L. T. et al.; Andreassen, O. A.; Palaniyappan, L.; Schneider-Axmann, T.; Hasan, A.; Schwarz, E.; Koutsouleris, N.: Multimodal workflows optimally predict response to repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in patients with schizophrenia: a multisite machine learning analysis. TRANSLATIONAL PSYCHIATRY 14 (1), 196 (2024)
Journal Article
Edelman, B. J.; Siegenthaler, D.; Wanken, P.; Jenkins, B.; Schmid, B.; Reßle, A.; Gogolla, N.; Frank, T.; Mace, E.: The COMBO window: A chronic cranial implant for multiscale circuit interrogation in mice. PLOS BIOLOGY 22 (6), e3002664 (2024)
Journal Article
Eder, J.; Glocker, C.; Barton, B.; Sarisik, E.; Popovic, D.; Laemmermann, J.; Knaf, A.; Beqiri-Zagler, A.; Engl, K.; Rihs, L. et al.; Pfeiffer, L.; Schmitt, A.; Falkai, P.; Simon, M. S.; Musil, R.: Who is at risk for weight gain after weight-gain associated treatment with antipsychotics, antidepressants, and mood stabilizers: A machine learning approach. ACTA PSYCHIATRICA SCANDINAVICA (2024)
Journal Article
Falkai, P.; Koutsouleris, N.: Why is it so difficult to implement precision psychiatry into clinical care? LANCET REGIONAL HEALTH-EUROPE 43, 100952 (2024)
Journal Article
Fietz, J.; Pöhlchen, D.; Brückl, T. M.; Brem, A.-K.; Padberg, F.; Czisch, M.; Sämann, P. G.; Spoormaker, V. I.: Data-Driven Pupil Response Profiles as Transdiagnostic Readouts for the Detection of Neurocognitive Functioning in Affective and Anxiety Disorders. BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY-COGNITIVE NEUROSCIENCE AND NEUROIMAGING 9 (6), pp. 580 - 587 (2024)
Journal Article
Filipovic, D.; Novak, B.; Xiao, J.; Tadic, P.; Turck, C. W.: Prefrontal cortical synaptoproteome profile combined with machine learning predicts resilience towards chronic social isolation in rats. JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRIC RESEARCH 172, pp. 221 - 228 (2024)
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