Journal Article (171)

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Kays, R.; Jansen, P. A.; Knecht, E. M. H.; Vohwinkel, R.; Wikelski, M.: The effect of feeding time on dispersal of Virola seeds by toucans determined from GPS tracking and accelerometers. Acta oecologica: international journal of ecology 37 (6), pp. 625 - 631 (2011)
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Kays, R.; Tilak, S.; Crofoot, M. C.; Fountain, T.; Obando, D.; Ortega, A.; Kuemmeth, F.; Mandel, J.; Swenson, G.; Lambert, T. et al.; Hirsch, B.; Wikelski, M.: Tracking animal location and activity with an automated radio telemetry system in a tropical rainforest. Computer Journal 54 (12), pp. 1931 - 1948 (2011)
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Kays, R.; Tilak, S.; Kranstauber, B.; Jansen, P.; Carbone, C.; Rowcliffe, M.; Fountain, T.; Eggert, J.; He, Z.: Camera traps as sensor networks for monitoring animal communities. International Journal of Research and Reviews in Wireless Sensor Networks 1, pp. 19 - 29 (2011)
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Koselj, K.; Presetnik, P.: The Life of Bats from the Cave Ajdovska jama near Krško (Slovenia). A review. Mitt. Komm. Quartärforsch. Österr. Akad. Wiss. 20, pp. 95 - 103 (2011)
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