Scientific Publications
Journal Article (1303)
Journal Article
200, 109646 (2025)
Cropping systems and ecological groups of soil animals jointly affect the transfer of root-derived carbon and mineral nitrogen into the soil food web. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 2.
Journal Article
33 (19), e17527, pp. 1 - 15 (2024)
Genome-wide population affinities and signatures of adaptation in hydruntines, sussemiones and Asian wild asses. Molecular Ecology 3.
Journal Article
7, 723 (2024)
Bronze age Northern Eurasian genetics in the context of development of metallurgy and Siberian ancestry. Communications Biology 4.
Journal Article
15, 2951 (2024)
Origin and dispersal history of Hepatitis B virus in Eastern Eurasia. Nature Communications 5.
Journal Article
191, 109324 (2024)
Root-derived resources fuel earthworms predominantly via bacterial and plant energy channels – Insights from bulk and compound-specific isotope analyses. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 6.
Journal Article
15 (1), s13164-022-00670-w, pp. 189 - 217 (2024)
Cognitive twists: the coevolution of learning and genes in Human Cognition. Review of Philosophy and Psychology 7.
Journal Article
20, 18 (2024)
Assessing changes in global fire regimes. Fire ecology 8.
Journal Article
19 (1), 2030441, pp. 57 - 91 (2024)
Coastal landscape changes at Unguja Ukuu, Zanzibar: contextualizing the archaeology of an early Islamic port of trade. Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology 9.
Journal Article
36 ((S)), 13559, pp. 1 - 3 (2024)
Les individus du dépôt multiple néolithique du site de Pontcharaud, Clermont-Ferrand (fouilles 1986): guerriers ou morts d’accompagnement ? Bulletins et mémoires de la Société d’Anthropologie de Paris 10.
Journal Article
18 (12), e0289197 (2023)
Social influences on delayed gratification in New Caledonian crows and Eurasian jays. PLoS One 11.
Journal Article
21 (2), 10028, pp. 131 - 153 (2023)
Multi-isotopic investigation of population dynamics and mobility among rural medieval Christian communities at Ghazali, Northern Sudan. Journal of African archaeology 12.
Journal Article
146 (12), awad253, pp. 4870 - 4879 (2023)
Speech and language markers of neurodegeneration: a call for global equity. Brain 13.
Journal Article
320, 108340, pp. 1 - 15 (2023)
40,000 years of technological continuity and change at Matja Kuru 2, Timor-Leste. Quaternary Science Reviews 14.
Journal Article
18 (11), e0290423 (2023)
Eurasian back-migration into Northeast Africa was a complex and multifaceted process. PLoS One 15.
Journal Article
6 (1), 958 (2023)
Neanderthal introgression in SCN9A impacts mechanical pain sensitivity. Communications Biology 16.
Journal Article
3 (2), 216005, pp. 113 - 169 (2023)
Equines on Crete from the Neolithic to the Ottoman Period. Cheiron: The International Journal of Equine and Equestrian History 17.
Journal Article
378 (1883), 20220297 (2023)
Inheritance and inequality among nomads of South Siberia. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B: Biological Sciences 18.
Journal Article
26 (3), eaa.2022.46, pp. 299 - 319 (2023)
Beyond technology: pottery reveals translocal social relations at a Bell Beaker Monumental Site in Central Europe. European Journal of Archaeology 19.
Journal Article
7 (8), s41559-023-02114-9, pp. 1315 - 1330 (2023)
Genomic history of coastal societies from eastern South America. Nature Ecology & Evolution 20.
Journal Article
19 (7), e1011404, pp. 1 - 16 (2023)
14th century Yersinia pestis genomes support emergence of pestis secunda within Europe. PLoS Pathogens