Scientific Publications

Journal Article (1598)

Journal Article
Barta, Z.; Baccaro, L.; Johnston, A.: Signaling Virtue or Vulnerability? The Changing Impact of EMU on Government Bond Spreads. Socio-Economic Review (2024)
Journal Article
Pullan, D.; Gannon, P.: Between the Church and the State: Catholic and European Influences on Abortion Governance in Italy and Beyond. Journal of Religion in Europe (2024)
Journal Article
Maxwell, C.; Lillie, K.: From a National Elite to the Global Elite: Possibilities and Problems in Scaling Up. British Journal of Sociology (2024)
Journal Article
Castanho Silva, B.; Pullan, D.; Wäckerle, J.: Blending In or Standing Out? Gendered Political Communication in 24 Democracies. American Journal of Political Science (2024)
Journal Article
Arslan, M.: Mexico’s Battle with Monopolies: Reputation-Based Autonomy and Self-Undermining Effects in Antitrust Enforcement. Socio-Economic Review (2024)
Journal Article
Tisch, D.; Schechtl, M.: The Gender (Tax) Gap in Parental Transfers: Evidence from Administrative Inheritance and Gift Tax Data. Socio-Economic Review (2024)
Journal Article
Kováts, B.; Kohl, S.: Varieties of East-Central European Housing Tenure Structure: The Long Life of a North-South Cleavage Line. Journal of Urban Affairs (2024)
Journal Article
Baccaro, L.; Bremer, B.; Neimanns, E.: Preferences for Growth Strategies in Advanced Democracies: A New "Representation Gap"? European Journal of Political Research (2024)
Journal Article
Pullan, D.; Gannon, P.: Data Discrepancies: Italian Ministry Reports on Abortion, Contextualised. Medical Humanities (2024)
Journal Article
Nicoli, F.; van der Duin, D.; Beetsma, R.; Bremer, B.; Burgoon, B.; Kuhn, T.; Meijers, M. J.; de Ruijter, A.: Closer during Crises? European Identity during the COVID-19 Pandemic and the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. Journal of European Public Policy (2024)
Journal Article
Braun, B.; Di Carlo, D.; Diessner, S.; Düsterhöft, M.: Structure, Agency, and Structural Reform: The Case of the European Central Bank. Perspectives on Politics (2024)
Journal Article
Wansleben, L.: Leveraging Uncertainty, Market-Power, and Fiscal Opacity: The Growth of Financial Security States. European Journal of Sociology (2024)
Journal Article
Voss, D.: Sectors versus Borders: Interest Group Cleavages and Struggles over Corporate Governance in the Age of Asset Management. Socio-Economic Review (2024)
Journal Article
Amaral, F.; Dohmen, M.; Kohl, S.; Schularick, M.: Interest Rates and the Spatial Polarization of Housing Markets. American Economic Review: Insights 6 (1), pp. 89 - 104 (2024)
Journal Article
Arbogast, T.; Van Doorslaer, H.; Vermeiren, M.: Another Strange Non-Death: The NAIRU and the Ideational Foundations of the Federal Reserve’s New Monetary Policy Framework. Review of International Political Economy 31 (3), pp. 805 - 830 (2024)
Journal Article
Baccaro, L.; Hadziabdic, S.: Operationalizing Growth Models. Quality & Quantity 58 (2), pp. 1325 - 1360 (2024)
Journal Article
Beckert, J.: Varieties of Wealth: Toward a Comparative Sociology of Wealth Inequality. Socio-Economic Review 22 (2), pp. 475 - 499 (2024)
Journal Article
Beckert, J.: Zwischen Utopie und Resignation: Plädoyer für eine realistische Klimapolitik. Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik 69 (5), pp. 43 - 52 (2024)
Journal Article
Braun, B.; Christophers, B.: Asset Manager Capitalism: An Introduction to Its Political Economy and Economic Geography. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space 56 (2), pp. 546 - 557 (2024)
Journal Article
Crouch, C.: Neoliberalism: Still to Shrug Off Its Mortal Coil. Social Europe (2024)
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