Book Chapter (79)

Book Chapter
Hitchcock, R. K.; Sapignoli, M.: The economic wellbeing of the San of the western, central and eastern Kalahari regions of Botswana. In: Routledge handbook of indigenous wellbeing, pp. 170 - 183 (Eds. Fleming, C.; Manning, M.). Routledge, London; New York (2019)
Book Chapter
Hoehne, M. V.: Against the grain: Somaliland's secession from Somalia. In: Secessionism in African politics: aspiration, grievance, performance, disenchantment, pp. 229 - 261 (Eds. de Vries, L.; Englebert, P.; Schomerus, M.). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham (2019)
Book Chapter
Holzwarth, W.: War and peace in pre-colonial Bukhara: the Keneges treaties (1820s-1840s). In: Aus den Tiefenschichten der Texte: Beiträge zur turko-iranischen Welt von der Islamisierung bis zur Gegenwart, pp. 191 - 231 (Eds. Purnaqcheband, N.; Saalfeld, F.). Reichert, Wiesbaden (2019)
Book Chapter
Hornig, L.: Between support and stigma: on credit arrangements in Pathein. In: Current Myanmar studies: Aung San Suu Kyi, muslims in Arakan, and economic insecurity, pp. 121 - 140 (Eds. Winterberger, G.; Tenberg, E.). Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle/Tyne (2019)
Book Chapter
Howse, M.: Creating a space within the German academy. In: To exist is to resist: black feminism in Europe, pp. 195 - 204 (Eds. Emejulu, A.; Sobande, F.). Pluto Press, London (2019)
Book Chapter
Janák, D.; Wyss, J.: Ernest Gellner’s Habsburg dilemma. In: Mitteleuropa denken: Intellektuelle, Identitäten und Ideen; der Kulturraum Mitteleuropa im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert, pp. 137 - 146 (Eds. Pape, W.; Šubrt, J.). De Gruyter, Berlin; Boston (2019)
Book Chapter
Jaraba, M.: Private dispute mediation and arbitration in Sunni-Muslim communities in Germany: family conflicts and divorce. In: Marital captivity: divorce, religion and human rights, pp. 17 - 44 (Eds. Rutten, S.; Deogratias, B.; Kruiniger, P.). Eleven International Publishing, The Hague (2019)
Book Chapter
Kalb, D.: Post-socialist contradictions: the social question in Central and Eastern Europe and the making of the illiberal right. In: The social question in the twenty-first century: a global view, pp. 208 - 226 (Eds. Breman, J.; Harris, K.; Lee, C. K.; Linden, M. v. d.). University of California Press, Oakland (2019)
Book Chapter
Kaneff, D.: Neoliberal spaces of immorality: the creation of a Bulgarian land market and "land-grabbing" foreign investors. In: Everyday life in the Balkans, pp. 155 - 167 (Ed. Montgomery, D. W.). Indiana University Press, Bloomington (2019)
Book Chapter
Lambert, L.: Asyl im Niger: Politische Rolle und lokale Adaptionen des Flüchtlingsschutzes. In: Konfliktfeld Fluchtmigration: historische und ethnographische Perspektiven, pp. 191 - 205 (Eds. Johler, R.; Lange, J.). transcript, Bielefeld (2019)
Book Chapter
Lambert, L.: Refugee social work as remote EU border control? Externalization policies and social work in Niger. In: Social work with migrants and refugees, pp. 148 - 162 (Eds. Pfaller-Rott, M.; Kállay, A.; Böhler, D.). University of Ostrava, Ostrava (2019)
Book Chapter
Lambert, L.: Studium gestattet? Die symbolische Herrschaft des Aufenthaltsstatus und des Asylverfahrens beim Hochschulzugang von Geflüchteten. In: Symbolische Ordnung und Flüchtlingsbewegungen in der Einwanderungsgesellschaft, pp. 347 - 365 (Eds. Arslan, E.; Bozay, K.). Springer, Wiesbaden (2019)
Book Chapter
Lenart, S.: Chiefs and witches in a gendered world: legitimacy and the disputing process in the South African Lowveld. In: Understanding retaliation, mediation and punishment: collected results of the International Max Planck Research School on Retaliation, Mediation and Punishment (IMPRS REMEP), pp. 137 - 144 (Eds. Sureau, T.; Auge, Y.). Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle/Saale (2019)
Book Chapter
Margaria, A.: Going beyond judgments: exploring the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights. In: Pluralising international legal scholarship: the promise and perils of non-doctrinal research methods, pp. 84 - 103 (Ed. Deplano, R.). Elgar, Cheltenham (2019)
Book Chapter
Menetrier, A.: Déchiffrer les stéréotypes de genre aux guichets de l’asile. In: Les stéréotypes, encore et toujours, pp. 179 - 185 (Eds. Liquète, V.; Lehmanns, A.; Chapelain, B.). CNRS éditions, Paris (2019)
Book Chapter
Mugler, J.: By their own account: quantitative accountability and the national prosecuting authority in South Africa. In: Understanding retaliation, mediation and punishment: collected results of the International Max Planck Research School on Retaliation, Mediation and Punishment (IMPRS REMEP), pp. 159 - 165 (Eds. Sureau, T.; Auge, Y.). Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle/Saale (2019)
Book Chapter
Nasrallah, F.: Article 257 of the UAE penal code: inter-jurisdictional conflict and the battleground of arbitration. In: Yearbook of Islamic and Middle Eastern Law, pp. 334 - 350 (Eds. Lau, M.; Nasrallah, F.). Brill, Leiden; Boston (2019)
Book Chapter
Oester, K.; Lems, A.: Recht auf Bildung?: unbegleitete Minderjährige zwischen Inklusion und Exklusion. In: Kindheit(en) in formalen, nonformalen und informellen Bildungskontexten: ethnografische Beiträge aus der Schweiz, 1. ed. Ed., pp. 239 - 258 (Eds. Sieber Egger, A.; Unterweger, G.; Jäger, M.; Kuhn, M.; Hangartner, J.). Springer, Wiesbaden (2019)
Book Chapter
Rao, U.: Re-thinking anthropology as engaged practice. In: Conference proceedings: International Conference on Innovation in the Social Sciences and Humanities, 2019, pp. 12 - 20 (Eds. Hutnyk, J.; Mai, L. T.; Phung, D. T. K.). Ton Duc Thang University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam (2019)
Book Chapter
Rao, U.: Global cities. In: The Routledge handbook of transregional studies, pp. 188 - 196 (Ed. Middell, M.). Routledge, London; New York (2019)
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