Book Chapter (162)

Book Chapter
Barata, D. D.: Family connections: inherited status and parliamentary elections in Dawro, Southern Ethiopia. In: Contested power in Ethiopia: traditional authorities and multi-party elections, pp. 89 - 109 (Eds. Tronvoll, K.; Hagmann, T.). Brill, Leiden (2012)
Book Chapter
Bellér-Hann, I.: The "gateway to the Western regions": state-society relations and differentiating Uighur marginality in China’s Northwest. In: Frontiers and boundaries: encounters on China's margins, pp. 177 - 201 (Eds. Rajkai, Z.; Bellér-Hann, I.). Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden (2012)
Book Chapter
Bellér-Hann, I.; Hann, C.: Mágia és vallás a politika árnyékában Kelet-Xinjiangban. In: Az elkerülhetetlen: vallásantropológiai tanulmányok Vargyas Gábor tiszteletére, pp. 151 - 170 (Eds. Landgraf, I.; Nagy, Z.). L'Harmattan, Budapest (2012)
Book Chapter
Bellér-Hann, I.; Rajkai, Z.: Introduction. In: Frontiers and boundaries: encounters on China's margins, pp. 1 - 10 (Eds. Bellér-Hann, I.; Rajkai, Z.). Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden (2012)
Book Chapter
Benda-Beckmann, F. v.: Rechtsethnologie. In: Ethnologie: Einführung und Überblick, 7., überarb. und erw. Aufl. Ed., pp. 195 - 212 (Eds. Beer, B.; Fischer, H.). Reimer, Berlin (2012)
Book Chapter
Benda-Beckmann, F. v.: Verantwortung in rechtlich pluralen Räumen: eine rechtsethnologische Perspektive. In: Zurechnung und Verantwortung: Tagung der Deutschen Sektion der Internationalen Vereinigung für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie vom 22. - 24. September 2010 in Halle (Saale), pp. 141 - 153 (Eds. Kaufmann, M.; Renzikowski, J.). Franz Steiner, Stuttgart (2012)
Book Chapter
Benda-Beckmann, F. v.; Benda-Beckmann, K. v.: Why not legal culture? In: Using legal culture, pp. 86 - 103 (Ed. Nelken, D.). Wildy, Simmonds & Hill, London (2012)
Book Chapter
Beyer, J.: Settling descent: place making and genealogy in Talas, Kyrgyzstan. In: Movement, power and place in Central Asia and beyond: contested trajectories, pp. 97 - 110 (Ed. Reeves, M.). Routledge, London (2012)
Book Chapter
Bianchini, K.: The United Kingdom's implementation of the EU asylum-seekers' Reception Directive. In: Integration for third-country nationals in the European Union: the equality challenge, 1. ed. Ed., pp. 91 - 106 (Eds. Morano-Foadi, S.; Malena, M.). Elgar, Cheltenham; Northampton (2012)
Book Chapter
Bochow, A.: Quest for conception in times of HIV/AIDS: (in)fertility care in Botswana. In: Biomedical infertility care in poor resource countries: barriers, access and ethics, pp. 81 - 86 (Eds. Gerrits, T.; Ombelet, W.; Balen, F. v.; Vanderpoel, S.). Universa, Wetteren (2012)
Book Chapter
Bochow, A.: Marriages and mobility in Akan societies: disconnections and connections over time and space. In: The social life of connectivity in Africa, pp. 123 - 139 (Eds. De Bruyn, M.; Van Dijk, R.). Palgrave Macmillan, New York (2012)
Book Chapter
Brumann, C.: Re-uniting a divided city: high-rises, conflict and urban space in central Kyoto. In: Urban spaces in Japan: cultural and social perspectives, pp. 53 - 73 (Eds. Brumann, C.; Schulz, E.). Routledge, London (2012)
Book Chapter
Brumann, C.; Dimmer, C.; Schulz, E.: Introduction. In: Urban spaces in Japan: cultural and social perspectives, pp. 1 - 14 (Eds. Brumann, C.; Schulz, E.). Routledge, London (2012)
Book Chapter
Burai, P.: Közszolgálat. In: Korrupciós kockázatok Magyarországon 2011: nemzeti integritás tanulmány, pp. 98 - 114 (Eds. Burai, P.; Hack, P.). Transparency International Magyarország, Budapest (2012)
Book Chapter
Burai, P.: Public sector. In: Corruption risks in Hungary 2011: national integrity study, pp. 95 - 110 (Eds. Burai, P.; Hack, P.). Transparency International, Berlin (2012)
Book Chapter
Calkins, S.: Bauern, Tierhalter und Migranten: Existenzsicherung im marokkanischen Hohen Atlas. In: Nomaden in unserer Welt: die Vorreiter der Globalisierung; von Mobilität und Handel, Herrschaft und Widerstand, pp. 148 - 157 (Eds. Gertel, J.; Calkins, S.). transcript, Bielefeld (2012)
Book Chapter
Calkins, S.: Dürrejahre im Sudan: neue Formen nomadischer Mobilität. In: Nomaden in unserer Welt: die Vorreiter der Globalisierung; von Mobilität und Handel, Herrschaft und Widerstand, pp. 52 - 59 (Eds. Gertel, J.; Calkins, S.). transcript, Bielefeld (2012)
Book Chapter
Calkins, S.; Gertel, J.: Einleitung. In: Nomaden in unserer Welt: die Vorreiter der Globalisierung; von Mobilität und Handel, Herrschaft und Widerstand, pp. 8 - 18 (Eds. Gertel, J.; Calkins, S.). transcript, Bielefeld (2012)
Book Chapter
Dauth, H.; Ozcurumez, S.; Wylie, L.; Bigot, G.: Barriers in acess to care. In: Migrants and health: political and institutional responses to cultural diversity in health systems, pp. 105 - 138 (Eds. Falge, C.; Ruzza, C.; Schmidtke, O.). Ashgate, Farnham (2012)
Book Chapter
Desplat, P.: Introduction: representations of space, place-making and urban life in Muslim societies. In: Prayer in the city: the making of Muslim sacred places and urban life, Vol. 314 p., pp. 9 - 34 (Eds. Desplat, P.; Schulz, D. E.). transcript, Bielefeld (2012)
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