Scientific Publications
Journal Article (2516)
Journal Article
232, 125971 (2024)
Direct numerical simulations of the transition between rotation- to buoyancy-dominated regimes in rotating Rayleigh–Bénard convection. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 2.
Journal Article
27, 101176 (2024)
A behavioral economic perspective on demand responsive transportation. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives 3.
Journal Article
3 (3), 100118 (2024)
Impact of the density of line service stations on overall performance in Bi-modal public transport settings. Multimodal Transportation 4.
Journal Article
9, 083501 (2024)
Circular objects do not melt the slowest in water. Physical Review Fluids 5.
Journal Article
6, L032044 (2024)
Chirotactic response of microswimmers in fluids with odd viscosity. Physical Review Research 6.
Journal Article
20 (8), e1012355 (2024)
Signatures of hierarchical temporal processing in the mouse visual system. PLOS Computational Biology 7.
Journal Article
147 (2), 21002 (2024)
Nonlinear response theory of molecular machines. EPL 8.
Journal Article
161, 074902 (2024)
Molecular dynamics simulations of microscopic structural transition and macroscopic mechanical properties of magnetic gels. The Journal of Chemical Physics 9.
Journal Article
Scaling Transition of Active Turbulence from Two to Three Dimensions. Advanced Science (2024)
Journal Article
The microbiome-derived antibacterial lugdunin acts as a cation ionophore in synergy with host peptides. mBio (2024)
Journal Article
21 (217), 20240221 (2024)
Near-field hydrodynamic interactions determine travelling wave directions of collectively beating cilia. Journal of the Royal Society Interface 12.
Journal Article
133 (7), 078301 (2024)
Defect Solutions of the Nonreciprocal Cahn-Hilliard Model: Spirals and Targets. Physical Review Letters 13.
Journal Article
133, 058401 (2024)
Anomalous Fluctuations in a Droplet of Chemically Active Colloids or Enzymes. Physical Review Letters 14.
Journal Article
989, A3 (2024)
Direct numerical simulations of rapidly rotating Rayleigh–Bénard convection with Rayleigh number up to 5 x 1013. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 15.
Journal Article
509, 113028 (2024)
A boundary condition-enhanced direct-forcing immersed boundary method for simulations of three-dimensional phoretic particles in incompressible flows. Journal of Computational Physics 16.
Journal Article
133, 028301 (2024)
Escaping Kinetic Traps Using Nonreciprocal Interactions. Physical Review Letters 17.
Journal Article
14, 16000 (2024)
Early mutational signatures and transmissibility of SARS-CoV-2 Gamma and Lambda variants in Chile. Scientific Reports 18.
Journal Article
4, 1401661 (2024)
Chaos control in cardiac dynamics: terminating chaotic states with local minima pacing. Frontiers in Network Physiology 19.
Journal Article
536 (7), 2300342 (2024)
Polyadic Opinion Formation: The Adaptive Voter Model on a Hypergraph. Annalen der Physik 20.
Journal Article
10 (30), eado5103 (2024)
Power-law growth models explain incidences and sizes of pancreatic cancer precursor lesions and confirm spatial genomic findings. Science Advances