Thesis - Master (49)

Thesis - Master
Oehler, C.: Evaluation of the carbon allocation scheme in the Jena diversity dynamic global vegetation model. Master, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Jena (2012)
Thesis - Master
Schreider-Goidenko, K.: Untersuchung des Verhaltens von Stickstoff aus dem Abbau 15N-markierter Buchen- und Eschenlaubstreu in temperaten Laubwäldern Europas. Master, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Jena (2012)
Thesis - Master
Thomas, E.: Reproducing FAPAR dynamics of Africa, based on climate, land use, and soil data using random forest. Master, 110 pp., Friedrich-Schiller-Universität, Jena (2012)
Thesis - Master
Ahrens, B.: Constraining a simple soil organic carbon model with 14C data. Master, 83 pp., Universität, Bayreuth (2011)
Thesis - Master
Witt, R.: Paläoklimarekonstruktion des Tibetischen Plateaus anhand eines „Nam Co“ Sedimentkerns. Master, 80, V pp., Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Jena (2011)
Thesis - Master
Biswas, S.: Tree height and biomass retrieval from airborne and satellite LIDAR data. Master, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Jena (2009)
Thesis - Master
Dass, P.: Vegetation changes in the higher latitudes of Northern Eurasia – ist relation with climate change. Master, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Jena (2009)
Thesis - Master
Paiewonsky, P.: Optimized “Canopy” Albedo of Vegetated Land Surfaces and its Effect on Simulated Productivity and Climate0021. Master, University of Maryland, College Park (2008)
Thesis - Master
Pavlick, R.: Testing for optimal large-scale vegetation properties for maximum terrestrial productivity and quantifying future uncertainty of vegetation response to anticipated climate change. Master, V, 41 pp., Universität of Maryland, College Park (2007)
Thesis - Master
Müller, S.: Experimentelle Untersuchungen zur Stickstoffaufnahme von Moosen; ein Feldversuch zum Einfluss der Eintrags mineralischen Stickstoffs auf das Wachstum von Rhytidiadelphus sqarrosus (Hedw.) Warnst. Master, II, 77, 4 Bl. pp., Universität, Osnabrück (2006)

Thesis - Magister (2)

Thesis - Magister
Pouresmaeily, M.: Starch and lipid storage quantification in the wood of temperate and tropical tree species. Magister, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Jena (2022)
Thesis - Magister
Kahl, T.: Abbauraten von Fichtenholz (Picea abies (L.) Karst.); Bohrwiderstandsmessungen als neuer Ansatz zur Bestimmung des Totholzabbaus, einer wichtigen Größe im Kohlenstoffhaushalt mitteleuropäischer Wälder. Magister, 95 Bl. pp., Friedrich-Schiller-Universität, Jena (2003)

Thesis - Bachelor (38)

Thesis - Bachelor
Hafezi Rachti, D.: Interpretable machine learning to understand meteorological impacts on ecosystem carbon uptake. Bachelor, University of Hamburg, Hamburg (2023)
Thesis - Bachelor
Sawall, M.: Effect of increasing atmospheric CO2 concentration on vegetation’s energy and water limitation. Bachelor, University of Giessen, Gießen (2022)
Thesis - Bachelor
Haugeneder, L.: Enzymaktivitäten in den Waldböden der Biodiversitätsexploratorien in der schwäbischen Alb und deren Reaktion auf Lochhiebe und Totholzanreicherung. Bachelor, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Jena (2021)
Thesis - Bachelor
Kroll, J.: Energy and water controls of Sun-Induced Fluorescence extremes. Bachelor, 29 pp., Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Jena (2021)
Thesis - Bachelor
Graefen, H.: Heatwaves inducing droughts and vice versa. Bachelor, 38 pp., University of Giessen, Gießen (2020)
Thesis - Bachelor
Schubert, J.: Effects of temporal resolution on modelling a vegetation index with recurrent neural networks. Bachelor, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Jena (2020)
Thesis - Bachelor
Hou, X.: Tracing large-scale fires from vegetation and soil moisture across different climate regimes. Bachelor, 21 pp., TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Freiberg (2019)
Thesis - Bachelor
Adamczewski, R.: The relation between carbon assimilation in beeches and extracellular soil enzyme activities in a mesocosm experiment. Bachelor, IV, 34, V-XXV pp., Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Jena (2017)
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