Contribution to a Collected edition (65)

Contribution to a Collected edition
Filippi, E.: Il diafano. Una via di accesso alla teoria dell’arte di Leonardo da Vinci. In: Pensiero Tecnica Creatività. Leonardo da Vinci e il Rinascimento, pp. 147 - 167 (Eds. Cuozzo, G.; Ferrari, S.). Mailand (2021)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Forgione, G.: Aniello Falcone, Apparizione di san Michele all’assedio di Siponto, collezione privata. In: Aniello Falcone. Il Velázquez di Napoli, pp. 122 - 123 (Ed. Leone de Castris, P.). Neapel (2021)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Forgione, G.: Aniello Falcone, Postazione di artiglieria e stato maggiore, collezione privata. In: Aniello Falcone. Il Velázquez di Napoli, pp. 132 - 133 (Ed. Leone de Castris, P.). Neapel (2021)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Gastaldon, G.: Between Commitment and Disengagement: The Art of Women in Rome in the Sixties. In: Fundamental Questions. Gender Dimensions in Max Planck Research Projects, pp. 65 - 84 (Ed. Weber, U.). Baden Baden (2021)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Graul, J.: The Wedding of Cupid and Psyche. In: Crossing Parallels. Agostino Carracci, Hendrick Goltzius, pp. 157 - 160 (Eds. Vitali, S.; Pollack, S.). Zürich (2021)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Graul, J.: Bacchus , Ceres, and Venus (Since Cerere et Baccho friget Venus). In: Crossing Parallels. Agostino Carracci, Hendrick Goltzius, pp. 162 - 163 (Eds. Vitali, S.; Pollack, S.) (2021)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Graul, J.: Three Goddesses. In: Crossing Parallels. Agostino Carracci, Hendrick Goltzius, pp. 162 - 165. Zürich (2021)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Graul, J.: Portrait of Philips Galle. In: Crossing Parallels. Agostino Carracci, Hendrick Goltzius, pp. 252 - 253 (Eds. Vitali, S.; Pollack, S.) (2021)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Helas, P.: Gender roles in 14th and 15th century Italian art. In: Fundamental questions. Gender dimensions in Max Planck research projects, pp. 85 - 103 (Ed. Weber, U.). Baden Baden (2021)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Helas, P.: Nackte Armut. Zur Adaption antiker Modelle für Bettlerfiguren in der italienischen Kunst im 15. und frühen 16. Jahrhundert. In: Nackte Gestalten. Die Wiederkehr des antiken Aktes in der Renaissanceplastik, pp. 89 - 107 (Ed. Hegener, N.). Petersberg (2021)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Helas, P.: Das Porträt des Komponisten und Musiktheoretikers. Ein neues Bildthema in Italien im 15. Jahrhundert. In: Josquin des Prez, pp. 18 - 35 (Ed. Tadday, U.). München (2021)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Helas, P.: Das Porträt des Komponisten und Musiktheoretikers. Ein neues Bildthema in Italien im 15. Jahrhundert. In: Josquin des Prez. Musik-Konzepte, Sonderband XI, pp. 18 - 35 (Ed. Tadday, U.). München (2021)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Kubersky-Piredda, S.: 'Tutto il palazzo commosso per questi ritratti': la fortuna dell’immagine miracolosa della Santissima Annunziata in Spagna intorno all'anno 1600. In: Las copias de obras maestras de la pintura en las colecciones de los Austrias y el Museo del Prado, pp. 76 - 88 (Ed. García Cueto, D.). Madrid (2021)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Kubersky-Piredda, S.; Fiore, C.: Gregorio XIII e l'Oriente. Arte e identità nei Collegi greco, maronita e armeno. In: Gregorio XIII. Arte dei moderni ed immagini venerabili della nuova 'Ecclesia', pp. 137 - 157 (Eds. Balzarotti, V.; Hermanin de Reichenfeld, B.). Rom (2021)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Longo, R.; Scirocco, E.: Sakralen Raum kartieren. In: Jahresbericht der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft (2021)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Röll, J.: Attribute der Memoria um 1500. In: Bildnis – Memoria – Repräsentation. Beiträge zur Erinnerungskultur im Mittelalter und in der Frühen Neuzeit, pp. 293 - 310 (Eds. Augustyn, W.; Söding, U.). Passau (2021)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Salvat, A. P. d. S.: México-Tenochtitlan: As Raízes Ameríndias na Cidade Ocidental. In: Anais [do] XVI Seminário de História da Cidade e do Urbanismo - 30 anos: atualização crítica, pp. 1850 - 1869 (Eds. Lopes de Almeida Júnior, D.; Macedo Velame, F.; Huapaya Espinoza, J. C.). Salvador (2021)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Sander, C.: Die Außengrenzen des menschlichen Körpers. Das Wesen von Blut und Haaren in scholastischen Debatten der Frühen Neuzeit. In: De homine: Anthropologien in der Frühen Neuzeit, pp. 181 - 215 (Eds. Salatowsky, S.; Schmidt-Biggemann, W.). Stuttgart (2021)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Scirocco, E.; Palladino, A.: The “Middle Ages” Interconnectedness. In: Convivium. Exchanges and Interactions in the Arts of Medieval Europe, Byzantium, and the Mediterranean, pp. 12 - 13 (Eds. Scirocco, E.; Palladino, A.) (2021)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Sickel, L.: Cardinal Ferdinando de’ Medici employs the Netherlandish Goldsmith Alberto Cesari. In: Typographia Linguarum Externarum – the Medici Oriental Press: Knowledge and Cultural Transfer around 1600, pp. 179 - 184 (Eds. Wolf, G.; Leuschner, E.). Olschki, Florenz (2021)
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