Research report 2022 - Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory

Between Think Tank and Law Faculty: Legal Scholarship within the Max Planck Society 

Kunstreich, Jasper; Vogenauer, Stefan (Ko-Autor)
Abteilung Europäische und vergleichende Rechtsgeschichte (Stefan Vogenauer)
This project investigated the history of legal scholarship within the Max Planck Society. Law-related institutes had been established in its predecessor organization as early as the 1920s. They combined scholarship in comparative law with elements of policy advice. By the 1960s, a veritable cluster of law-related institutes had emerged; it came to reflect nearly all aspects of legal scholarship and was able to keep adding new institutes and departments. Today it is the only such cluster of thematically closely connected institutes within the humanities and social sciences section.

For the full text, see the German version.

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