Zeitschriftenartikel (6040)

Widmann, F.; Haubois, X.; Schuhler, N.; Pfuhl, O.; Eisenhauer, F.; Gillessen, S.; Aimar, N.; Amorim, A.; Bauböck, M.; Berger, J. B. et al.; Bonnet, H.; Bourdarot, G.; Brandner, W.; Clénet, Y.; Davies, R.; de Zeeuw, P. T.; Dexter, J.; Drescher, A.; Eckart, A.; Feuchtgruber, H.; Schreiber, N. M. F.; Garcia, P.; Gendron, E.; Genzel, R.; Hartl, M.; Haußmann, F.; Heißel, G.; Henning, T.; Hippler, S.; Horrobin, M.; Jiménez-Rosales, A.; Jocou, L.; Kaufer, A.; Kervella, P.; Lacour, S.; Lapeyrère, V.; Le Bouquin, J.-B.; Léna, P.; Lutz, D.; Mang, F.; More, N.; Nowak, M.; Ott, T.; Paumard, T.; Perraut, K.; Perrin, G.; Rabien, S.; Ribeiro, D.; Bordoni, M. S.; Scheithauer, S.; Shangguan, J.; Shimizu, T.; Stadler, J.; Straub, O.; Straubmeier, C.; Sturm, E.; Tacconi, L. J.; Vincent, F.; von Fellenberg, S. D.; Wieprecht, E.; Wiezorrek, E.; Woillez, J.: Polarization analysis of the VLTI and GRAVITY. Astronomy and Astrophysics 681, A115 (2024)
Xin, C.; Haiman, Z.; Perna, R.; Wang, Y.; Ryu, T.: "Tidal Peeling Events": Low-eccentricity Tidal Disruption of a Star by a Stellar-mass Black Hole. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 270 (2), 36 (2024)
Erb, D. K.; Li, Z.; Steidel, C. C.; Chen, Y.; Gronke, M.; Strom, A. L.; Trainor, R. F.; Rudie, G. C.: Erratum: The circumgalactic medium of extreme emission line galaxies at z ∼ 2: resolved spectroscopy and radiative transfer modeling of spatially extended Lyα emission in the KBSS-KCWI survey. The Astrophysical Journal 961 (1), 143 (2024)
Lambrides, E.; Chiaberge, M.; Long, A. S.; Liu, D.; Akins, H. B.; Ptak, A. F.; Taufik Andika, I.; Capetti, A.; Casey, C. M.; Champagne, J. B. et al.; Chworowsky, K.; Clarke, T. E.; Cooper, O. R.; Ding, X.; Dong, D. Z.; Faisst, A. L.; Forman, J. Y.; Franco, M.; Gillman, S.; Gozaliasl, G.; Hall, K. R.; Harish, S.; Hayward, C. C.; Hirschmann, M.; Hutchison, T. A.; Jahnke, K.; Jin, S.; Kartaltepe, J. S.; Kleiner, E. T.; Koekemoer, A. M.; Kokorev, V.; Manning, S. M.; Martin, C. L.; McKinney, J.; Norman, C.; Nyland, K.; Onoue, M.; Robertson, B. E.; Shuntov, M.; Silverman, J. D.; Stiavelli, M.; Trakhtenbrot, B.; Vardoulaki, E.; Zavala, J. A.; Allen, N.; Ilbert, O.; McCracken, H. J.; Paquereau, L.; Rhodes, J.; Toft, S.: Uncovering a Massive z ∼ 7.7 Galaxy Hosting a Heavily Obscured Radio-loud Active Galactic Nucleus Candidate in COSMOS-Web. Astrophysical Journal, Letters 961 (1), L25 (2024)
Lim, B.; Nazé, Y.; Chang, S.-J.; Hutsemékers, D.: A Morphokinematic Study of the Enigmatic Emission Nebula NGC 6164/5 Surrounding the Magnetic O-type Star HD 148937. The Astrophysical Journal 961 (1), 72 (2024)
Narayanan, D.; Lower, S.; Torrey, P.; Brammer, G.; Cui, W.; Davé, R.; Iyer, K. G.; Li, Q.; Lovell, C. C.; Sales, L. V. et al.; Stark, D. P.; Marinacci, F.; Vogelsberger, M.: Outshining by Recent Star Formation Prevents the Accurate Measurement of High-z Galaxy Stellar Masses. The Astrophysical Journal 961 (1), 73 (2024)
Zaznobin, I. A.; Burenin, R. A.; Meshcheryakov, A. V.; Gilfanov, M. R.; Lyskova, N. S.; Medvedev, P. S.; Sazonov, S. Y.; Sunyaev, R. A.: Optical Identification of Galaxy Clusters among SRG/eROSITA X-ray Sources Based on Photometric Redshift Estimates for Galaxies. Astronomy Letters-A Journal of Astronomy and Space Astrophysics 49 (8), S. 431 - 444 (2024)
Nakai, Y.; Namba, R.; Obata, I.; Qiu, Y.-C.; Saito, R.: Can we explain cosmic birefringence without a new light field beyond Standard Model? Journal of High Energy Physics 2024 (1), 57 (2024)
Chen, P.; Gal-Yam, A.; Sollerman, J.; Schulze, S.; Post, R. S.; Liu, C.; Ofek, E. O.; Das, K. K.; Fremling, C.; Horesh, A. et al.; Katz, B.; Kushnir, D.; Kasliwal, M. M.; Kulkarni, S. R.; Liu, D.; Liu, X.; Miller, A. A.; Rose, K.; Waxman, E.; Yang, S.; Yao, Y.; Zackay, B.; Bellm, E. C.; Dekany, R.; Drake, A. J.; Fang, Y.; Fynbo, J. P. U.; Groom, S. L.; Helou, G.; Irani, I.; du Laz, T. J.; Liu, X.; Mazzali, P. A.; Neill, J. D.; Qin, Y.-J.; Riddle, R. L.; Sharon, A.; Strotjohann, N. L.; Wold, A.; Yan, L.: A 12.4-day periodicity in a close binary system after a supernova. Nature 625 (7994), S. 253 - 258 (2024)
Beuther, H.; Gieser, C.; Soler, J. D.; Zhang, Q.; Rao, R.; Semenov, D.; Henning, T.; Pudritz, R.; Peters, T.; Klaassen, P. et al.; Beltrán, M. T.; Palau, A.; Möller, T.; Johnston, K. G.; Zinnecker, H.; Urquhart, J.; Kuiper, R.; Ahmadi, A.; Sánchez-Monge, Á.; Feng, S.; Leurini, S.; Ragan, S. E.: Density distributions, magnetic field structures, and fragmentation in high-mass star formation. Astronomy and Astrophysics 682, A81 (2024)
Morán-Fraile, J.; Röpke, F. K.; Pakmor, R.; Aloy, M. A.; Ohlmann, S. T.; Schneider, F. R. N.; Leidi, G.; Lioutas, G.: Self-consistent magnetohydrodynamic simulation of jet launching in a neutron star - white dwarf merger. Astronomy and Astrophysics 681, A41 (2024)
Liu, Y.; Gao, L.; Bose, S.; Frenk, C. S.; Jenkins, A.; Springel, V.; Wang, J.; White, S. D. M.; Zheng, H.: The mass accretion history of dark matter haloes down to Earth mass. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 527 (4), S. 11740 - 11750 (2024)
Acharya, A.; Mertens, F.; Ciardi, B.; Ghara, R.; Koopmans, L. V. E.; Giri, S. K.; Hothi, I.; Ma, Q.-B.; Mellema, G.; Munshi, S.: 21-cm signal from the Epoch of Reionization: a machine learning upgrade to foreground removal with Gaussian process regression. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 527 (3), S. 7835 - 7846 (2024)
Bennett, J. S.; Sijacki, D.; Costa, T.; Laporte, N.; Witten, C.: The growth of the gargantuan black holes powering high-redshift quasars and their impact on the formation of early galaxies and protoclusters. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 527 (1), S. 1033 - 1054 (2024)
Bhuyan, G.; Deb, S.; Kanbur, S. M.; Bellinger, E. P.; Deka, M.; Bhardwaj, A.: Geometry of the LMC based on multiphase analysis of multiwavelength Cepheid light curves using OGLE-IV and Gaia DR3 data. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 527 (3), S. 8671 - 8686 (2024)
Bykov, S. D.; Gilfanov, M. R.; Sunyaev, R. A.: SRG/eROSITA catalogue of X-ray active SDSS dwarf galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 527 (2), S. 1962 - 1981 (2024)
Chan, J. H. H.; Wong, K. C.; Ding, X.; Chao, D.; Chiu, I.-N.; Jaelani, A. T.; Kayo, I.; More, A.; Oguri, M.; Suyu, S. H.: Survey of gravitationally lensed objects in HSC imaging (SuGOHI) - IX. Discovery of strongly lensed quasar candidates. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 527 (3), S. 6253 - 6275 (2024)
Fiore, A.; Benetti, S.; Tartaglia, L.; Jerkstrand, A.; Salmaso, I.; Tomasella, L.; Morales-Garoffolo, A.; Geier, S.; Elias-Rosa, N.; Cappellaro, E. et al.; Wang, X.; Mo, J.; Chen, Z.; Yan, S.; Pastorello, A.; Mazzali, P. A.; Ciolfi, R.; Cai, Y.; Fraser, M.; Gutiérrez, C. P.; Karamehmetoglu, E.; Kuncarayakti, H.; Moran, S.; Ochner, P.; Reguitti, A.; Reynolds, T. M.; Valerin, G.: Detailed spectrophotometric analysis of the superluminous and fast evolving SN 2019neq. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 527 (3), S. 6473 - 6494 (2024)
Girdhar, A.; Harrison, C. M.; Mainieri, V.; Aranda, R. F.; Alexander, D. M.; Arrigoni Battaia, F.; Bianchin, M.; Rivera, G. C.; Circosta, C.; Costa, T. et al.; Edge, A. C.; Farina, E. P.; Kakkad, D.; Kharb, P.; Molyneux, S. J.; Mukherjee, D.; Njeri, A.; S., S.; Venturi, G.; Ward, S. R.: Quasar feedback survey: molecular gas affected by central outflows and by ∼10-kpc radio lobes reveal dual feedback effects in ‘radio quiet’ quasars. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 527 (3), S. 9322 - 9342 (2024)
Hidalgo-Pineda, F.; Farber, R. J.; Gronke, M.: Better together: the complex interplay between radiative cooling and magnetic draping. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 527 (1), S. 135 - 149 (2024)
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