Contribution to a Collected edition (56)

Contribution to a Collected edition
White, C.: Sacred dwellings: Protestant ancestral halls and homes in southern Fujian. In: Sinicizing Christianity, pp. 235 - 262 (Ed. Yangwen, Z.). Brill, Leiden (2017)
Contribution to a Collected edition
White, C.: Christian celebrations and protestant identity in late Qing and early republican Minnan. In: 聲教廣披: 華南方言族羣與基督教, pp. 79 - 102 (Eds. Lee, K. K.; Lau, Y.-c.) (2017)

Collected Edition (8)

Collected Edition
Shachar, A.; Bauböck, R.; Bloemraad, I.; Vink, M. (Eds.): The Oxford handbook of citizenship. Oxford University Press, Oxford (2017)
Collected Edition
Stasik, M.; Beck, K.; Klaeger, G. (Eds.): The making of the African road. Brill, Leiden (2017), xi, 278 pp.
Collected Edition
Arnaut, K.; Karrebæk, M. S.; Spotti, M.; Blommaert, J. (Eds.): Engaging superdiversity: Recombining spaces, times and language practices. Multilingual Matters, Bristol (2017)
Collected Edition
Burchardt, M.; Kirn, G. (Eds.): Beyond neoliberalism: Social analysis after 1989. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke (2017)
Collected Edition
Kusters, A.; De Meulder , M.; O’Brien, D. (Eds.): Innovations in deaf studies: The role of deaf scholars. Oxford University Press, New York (2017)
Collected Edition
Meissner, F.; Vertovec, S. (Eds.): Comparing super-diversity. Routledge, London (2017), 125 pp.
Collected Edition
Udupa, S.; McDowell, S. (Eds.): Media as politics in South Asia. Routledge, London (2017)
Collected Edition
van der Veer, P. (Ed.): Prayer and politics. Routledge, London (2017), x, 133 pp.

Contribution to an Encyclopedia (1)

Contribution to an Encyclopedia
Vorng, S.: Fate (Buddhism). In: Buddhism and Jainism, pp. 485 - 487 (Eds. Sarao, K.T.S.; Long, J. D.). Springer, Dordrecht (2017)

Blog Post (11)

Blog Post
Schmalz, D.: [Blog Post:] The identification of individuals: Some thoughts on the ECHR judgment in the case N.D. and N.T. (2017)
Blog Post
Schlegel, S.: [Blog Post:] Völkerrecht und Verfassungsrecht: Wie eine Volksinitiative in der Schweiz herbeiführte, was sie abzuschaffen vorgibt. (2017)
Blog Post
Schmalz, D.: [Blog Post:] Die Identifikation Einzelner – Gedanken zum EGMR-Urteil im Fall N.D. und N.T. (2017)
Blog Post
Schmalz, D.: [Blog Post:] Rescue operations in the Mediterranean and the intra-European distribution of responsibility for refugees. (2017)
Blog Post
Schmalz, D.: [Blog Post:] Subjektive Rechte aus der Dublin-Verordnung: Der Fall Mengesteab vor dem EuGH. (2017)
Blog Post
Walton, J. F.: [Blog Post:] On the recent past, fraught present, and tenuous future of Turkish Muslim civil society. (2017)
Blog Post
Schmalz, D.: [Blog Post:] Die Michigan Guidelines on Refugee Freedom of Movement, oder: so brisant ist das geltende Recht. (2017)
Blog Post
Schlegel, S.; Häcki, R.: [Blog Post:] Welcher Vorrang hat nun Vorrang? Wie der Schweiz die Herrschaft über das Völkerrecht zurückgewonnen werden soll. (2017)
Blog Post
Schmalz, D.: [Blog Post:] Judgment and diversity: Thinking with Hannah Arendt about the composition of international court benches. (2017)
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