Dangerous Science, Anticipation and the Human Right to Science
- Datum: 16.10.2025
- Uhrzeit: 17:00 - 19:00
- Vortragende(r): Prof. Samantha Besson (Collège de France, Paris)
- Samantha Besson is a Professor at the Collège de France in Paris where she holds the Chair International Law of Institutions. She is also a Professor of Public International Law and European Law at the University of Fribourg (Switzerland). Samantha Besson’s research interests lie at the crossroads of general international law, European institutional law and legal philosophy. Her areas of specialization are international, European and comparative human rights law and theory, and international and European democracy law and theory. She has been working on the human right to science since 2014 and is currently leading the Swiss National Science Foundation Research Project Institutionalizing the Human Right to Science (2022–25). She was the first Human Rights Delegate of the Swiss Academies of Sciences (2013–2016) and has been a member of the Committee of the Swiss Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences since 2017.
- Ort: Freiburg, Fürstenbergstr. 19
- Raum: Seminarraum (F 113) | Gäste sind herzlich eingeladen; Anmeldung erbeten
- Gastgeber: Max-Planck-Institut zur Erforschung von Kriminalität, Sicherheit und Recht
- Kontakt: c.hillemanns@csl.mpg.de

Abstract des Gastvortrages:
Externe Gäste – Bitte melden Sie Ihre Teilnahme an bei Carolin Hillemanns: c.hillemanns@csl.mpg.de.