The telescopes
ESO’s Very Large Telescope (VLT) in Chile was used to measure the masses of both, the pulsar and the white dwarf. The William-Herschel Telescope (WHT) on La Palma was used to monitor the stability of the white dwarf. The Green-Bank telescope (GBT) discovered the pulsar in 2007. The Arecibo and Effelsberg telescopes were used to measure the orbital period variation of the system.
The Effelsberg observations were part of "BEACON", a 1.9-million-Euro project funded by the European Research Council aimed to push tests of gravity theories into new territories. Paulo Freire/MPIfR is the principal investigator of BEACON. The project has funded a state-of-the-art instrument to be installed at Effelsberg in the coming months that will target the pulsar with the aim to substantially improve the accuracy of the published results.