Research report 2006 - Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics

Trojan Horses and Dynamic Rafts: Crucial Mechanisms in the Cell and Pathogenesis

Simons, Kai

Simons: Die Rolle von Lipid-Rafts beim Zelltransport, der Kommunikation zwischen Zellen und bei Krankheitsentstehungen (Prof. Dr. Kai Simons)
MPI für molekulare Zellbiologie und Genetik, Dresden

Exocytosis uses a transport system that releases vesicles (exosomes) to the extracellular milieu. This transport system has just been found recently. Moreover, cell-to-cell communication, or lipid sorting, seems to depend on dynamic lipid rafts. These sophisticated mechanisms are crucial for the functioning of complex cells. However, exosomes are emerging as Trojan horse in pathogenesis; HIV uses the exosome pathway for its assembly and release; viruses in general seem to make use of lipid rafts to spread from cell to cell.

For the full text, see the German version.

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