Research report 2006 - Max Planck Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion

Radical Complexes as functional models for metalloenzymatic catalysis

Chaudhuri, Phalguni; Wieghardt, Karl; Weyhermüller, Thomas; Bothe, Eberhard; Bill, Eckhard

Bioanorganische Chemie (Prof. Dr. Karl Wieghardt)
MPI für bioanorganische Chemie, Mülheim an der Ruhr

Significant efforts were directed towards the design and testing of phenol-containing ligands for synthesizing radical-containing transition metal complexes as potential candidates for oxidative catalysis of organic substrates like alcohols, amines and 2-aminophenol with oxygen from air. Functional models for different copper-oxidases, such as Galactose Oxidase (GO), Amine Oxidases (AO) and Phenoxazinone Synthase (PHs) are reported. In most of the cases, an "on-off" mechanism of the radicals without redox participation from the metal centers seems to be operative in the catalysis involving such metal-iminosemiquinone radical complexes.

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